And We Danced

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Jade had her legs propped up on Tori as they sat in Sikowitz's class with the rest of the gang. They were all waiting on their favorite yet craziest teacher they had in school to come barging into the window while talking about coconut visions or something in the coconut area.
A few moments later, the teacher came dancing and humming through the window and then continued to dance and hum around the class. Sikowitz just kept spinning and dancing and humming around until Jade couldn't take it anymore, "Sikowitz! What are you doing?" Sikowitz stopped and clasped his hands together with the biggest grin on his face.

"Oh I am so happy that you asked dear Jade! Hollywood Arts is putting on a big dance for the end of the year and this class was picked to be in charge of the whole enchilada. Since you were the first one to speak up, rudely I may add, you will be the main one on charge. Nothing outrageously creepy like last time either."
Sikowitz stood there with the biggest smile on his face, obviously proud of himself.
Jade was about to protest but she felt a squeeze of her hand and looked at Tori. Jade could tell that Tori really wanted this and if Tori wanted it, then that was good enough for Jade, "Okay, I'll do it."
Tori gave Jade the biggest and passionate smile she could and would have gave her a long kiss if they had not been in class. Seeing Tori smile like that, this whole ordeal was worth it.

The gang was sitting at the lunch table and they were discussing what they were going to do for the dance. Rex was the first to say anything but it was useless as usual, "Okay the most important thing, will North Ridge girls be there?"
Jade was about to grab the puppet and launch him across the lunch area but Tori beat her to it, "No, the most important thing is this." Tori then grabbed Rex and threw him as far as she could. Robbie yelped and ran after him. Jade was impressed, maybe she was rubbing off in Tori a little bit. Jade sat there with a content smile on her face.
Andre was the first one to have an actual idea, "What if we do like a 70's or 80's theme?" Then there was idea from Beck, "We could do a celebrity theme. We all dress and theme the party as our favorite celebrities." Everyone seem to like that one a little more. Robbie finally made it back to the table with Rex and made sure to sit across from Tori and Jade.
Cat had the best idea, well it was the best in her head, "We could all dress up like cats!"
Jade rolled her eyes and was about to protest but the perfect idea finally hit her, "I got it, the future. We all dress as what we desire to be in the future and what we want to do with our lives."

Jade sat there feeling pretty accomplished and waited for what the others had to say. Tori was the first to chime in with, " I love the idea. There are so many things we can do with that."
Andre looked happy with the idea too, " It sounds good to me too. I've got a couple of new songs to play, and it would be awesome if Tori and you would sing."
Tori was excited about this, she was always ready to sing, especially along side Jade and Andre, "I love that idea, Jade do you want to perform?"
Jade didn't even have to think about it, "Of course I will babe. Are we all in agreement for the theme?" Everyone nodded and agreed that it was a great idea.
"Okay cool. We'll talk to all the others and spread the word and then we need to start working on plans for where want to have it, how to decorate, and everything else we need. I was thinking about having it out here, we can take all of the tables and everything else out and have it here like we have before." The rest of lunch was discussing the dance and what they all needed to get done.

It was later on at night and Jade and Tori where back at the Vega household, they had started to watch a movie but ended up distracting each other. They weren't talking but it was a comfortable silence with an occasional giggle from Tori and the background noise of the tv. Tori was laying down with her head in Jades lap as she played with Jades's fingers on her left hand.
Jade stroked Tori's hair as she smiled softly down at Tori. Jade wouldn't give this up for anything in the world. This was her world, this crazy brunette that was laying in her lap playing with her fingers. It was in this moment that Jade knew, she knew that she wanted to marry Tori one day.

Jade never really thought about marriage before but she knew that she wanted to marry Tori. It was way too early earlyin their relationship and Jade wanted her and Tori to be ready when Jade proposed. That could be years in the future but Jade was already starting to form a plan that could show Tori how serious this relationship was to Jade and that she had the full intention of marrying Tori and hopefully Tori felt the same. Jade knew herself that she wasn't marriage materiel but hoped Tori could see past all of the problems attached to her.

Jade had been lost in her own thoughts for quite some time and what brought her back to reality was a loud snoring that came from beside her. Tori had fallen asleep and had snuggled up close to Jade's stomach and Jade could feel the vibrations from Tori snoring. Jade laughed softly to herself, turned off the movie that she had seen a total of 2 minutes of, and picked up Tori and carried her up the stairs bridal style so she could tuck Tori in and get ready for bed herself. Tori was mumbling in her sleep as Jade carried her up to their room, in a soft sleepy voice Tori mumbled,"I love you Jadey-bear." Jade couldn't believe she got to call this perfect woman her girlfriend. Jade laid Tori into bed and kissed her on the forhead, "I love you too baby girl." Jade was possibly the happiest person on the planet and she owed it all to Tori.

I finally made a new chapter!! It's only been like 8 months. I'm so sorry that it has taken so long to get out something new. Life has been getting in the way and lots of other things but I will try to update more often. Thank you for still reading and feedback is always appreciated. Stay magical.

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