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It had been a few months since Trina had found out about Jade and Tori and Trina had been avoiding them or giving them dirty looks around the house. Jade had been staying primary at the Vega house and no one had a problem with it except for Trina. Jade had tried to ignore the situation and as annoying as the older Vega was, Jade could see that Tori missed her older sister so Jade was going to have to fix this mess so Tori could have Trina back in her life.

Jade had no idea what she was going to do about the Trina situation. She had to get the older Vega alone and actually talk to her because any of Jade's usual ways of dealing with annoying people would just make everything worse in this case but she loved Tori so she was going to have to keep her anger in check and do what she had to do to make her Tori happy. The only sort of plan that Jade had was to somehow corner the older Vega while Tori wasn't around.

It was later that day and Trina was in her room, Tori's parents were on a date and Tori was on a sushi run, so if Jade was going to put her plan, (not really a plan but more of a hail Mary), into action. Jade made her way tp Trina's room and took a deep breath and knocked but before Trina could even answer, Jade just barged into the room and stood awkwardly by Trina's desk. Jade didn't know how to start and Trina looked like she was still trying to process what was happening. Jade thought to herself, "fuck it."

Jade started to speak, "Trina, I know you have a problem with Tori and I dating but we have been going strong for months now and will for years to come. I know that I used to treat Tori bad, and you have no idea how much I regret it. I hate that I used to cause her pain. I was trying to hide my feelings for her through anger and sarcasm. What you have to understand Trina is that I love your sister. I am in love with Tori. I will treat her like the princess she is and give her everything I can in life. Trina, she wants her sister back so we need to work this out. Tori misses her sister and I bet you miss her too. Please let us put this aside for Tori." Jade pointed to her tattoo, "I mean if I didn't truly love Tori, would I have gotten this? It's my way of saying I will love her for the rest of my life no matter what happens."

Trina just sat there for a while just looking at Jade, "I don't know if I can trust you Jade but I can see that you make Tori happy so I will put my feelings of you aside, for her. I have missed Tori but I was just so angry she was with you because I did not want her hurt by you again and maybe I have been over reacting a little bit but I do not like you. I will put all that aside for Tori but I will warn you just once, do not hurt her. I have never seen Tori this happy so try to make sure she stays that way." Trina tried to look menacing but finally just sighed, "Jade, please keep her happy."

Jade didn't like to be threatened but she held her tongue because this was about Tori, "Trina, I am never going to hurt Tori. I've made plenty of mistakes but letting Tori go will never be one of them. I love her and will do what I can to make her happy."
Trina sighed again, "I can hear the sincerity and that is the only reason i'm believing you so please don't make me regret it. I'll let Tori know everything is okay later tonight." Jade took that as her que to leave so she gave Trina a half smile and mouthed a "thank you" and left the room. As Jade was walking down the hall she was smiling and thought to herself, "Tori is going to be so happy to have her annoying sister back."

It was later that night and Tori and Jade were laying on the couch watching movies when Tori went upstairs to get another movie just as Trina was exiting the bathroom. Trina gave Tori a tight hug and whispered, "If she makes you happy, that's all that matters," then Trina just walked to her room and shut the door.

Tori stumbled her way down the stairs still in a joyous daze. She plopped down besie Jade and laid her head in her girlfriends lap. Jade smiled down at Tori, "Well someone looks happy." Tori was giddy with excitement, "Trina is talking to me again, she gave me a hug and said that as long as you make me happy then that's what matters. I don't know what got into her but I'm so glad she's talking to me again. She may be annoying and pushy and a little obsessive but she is my sister and I missed her." Tori thought about it for a minute, "Jade did you have anything to do with this?"

Jade tried to act all innocent but that never has been one of her skills, "I may of had a talk with your sister and before you ask no I did not threaten her, I was nice just for you. I told her that you needed her and that the grudge she was holding needed to be put aside so we can make you happy. Plus I reassured her that I was in fact deeply in love with you." Tori sat up and latched her arms around Jade as if she was going to float away, "Jade thank you so so much. You are the best girlfriend ever. Thank you for fixing this."
"I would do anything for you Tori. You know that."
Tori got off the couch and grabbed Jade by the hand, "I know you would, you gave me this surprise now I've got a surprise for you."
Jade developed a devilish grin on her face, as she picked up Tori bridal style and carried her up to Tori's room the same time Tori was laying kisses up and down Jade's jaw line, "Tori if you keep that up then we're not going to make it to your room." This didn't phase Tori in the slightest,  she just kept on kissing as Jade was gasping and moaning trying to make it to Tori's room. "Oh Tori you are making this difficult."

Jade carried Tori through her doorway and kicked the door shut behind her. Jade began to heavily kiss Tori as they both fell onto the bed. Tori giggled as she had to stop Jade, "wait a second, I said I had a surprise for you." Tori stepped into her closest and shut the doors. Jade started to get herself undressed and layed back on the bed in only her panties, "Tori, we already came out of the closet. What are you doing?" Jade laughed at her own joke as Tori faked laughed from the closet, "Give me a second and that wasn't funny, okay it was kind of funny but you're breaking my sexy concentration." Tori came out in nothing but a lacey, see-through, extra small nightgown and Jade almost lost her mind and couldn't have been more turned on. Tori seen the lustful look from Jade, and grinned wickedly, "Oh this is going to be fun."

I'm so sorry that it has taken forever to post something. I've been working eleven hours a day, six days a week but I will try to post more often. The holidays are coming up soon so I will try get out a fluffy chapter just for that out in the next few weeks. Stay Magical.

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