A Jeremy McKinnon Holiday

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It's Christmas Eve and Jade and Andre are out shopping for Tori while Tori and Cat are shopping for Jade. Jade and Andre were in a music shop looking for something special for Tori, "Why are you doing your shopping now Jade? I figured you would of had Tori something weeks ago." "I already do, I actually bought gifts for all the Vegas but Tori and I decided to have a special gift exchange on Christmas Eve just for us, and we kind of just decided that a few days ago. I have to find something special that she'll totally love and a music shop was the best bet." Andre was looking around, "Well this place has pretty much anything. CD's, downloads, all kinds of merch. Who are some of her favorite artists?" "The new A Day To Remember album came out a few months ago and she hasn't picked it up yet. I took her to one of their concerts and she loved it so I figured I'd get one of their shirts and their new album for her. I just need to find them so hopefully the store has them in."

After about ten minutes of searching Andre had found the last ADTR shirt in Tori's size and Jade had picked up their new album, Bad Vibrations but Andre had to split because his grandma called saying the ceiling fan was trying to attack her. Jade was walking towards the checkout line when she bumped into someone and they both dropped their stuff. "Oh I'm sorry miss." "No it was my fault, I wasn't watching..."
Jade stopped mid sentence when she noticed who she had bumped into. It was none other then Jeremy McKinnon himself. He picked up Jade's stuff and handed it back to her with a smile on his face, "Great choice by the way."  Jade couldn't believe it, "You're, I mean it's you. I love you and so does my girlfriend. I can't believe it's you!...Sorry for the outburst."

Jade was trying not to freak out but it was really difficult and she's not one to usually get starstruck, "Okay, so ummm, my name is Jade. I'm getting my girlfriend, Tori, your new album for our special Christmas Eve and if you wouldn't mind, could you sign it for her? I don't mean to inconvenience you, I just know she would love it."
"It's not a inconvenience at all, anything for the fans."
Jeremy signed the album and even the shirt for Jade, "Thank you so much Jeremy, and it was so great to get to meet you." "You're welcome and I hope you and Tori have a wonderful Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas." "Oh my, thank you. Merry Christmas."
Jade was ecstatic, a day of shopping turned into meeting one of her favorite people and a great gift for Tori.

Tori and Cat have been searching through different stores to find something for Jade. Tori had the feeling that Jade had gotten her something amazing so she had to do the same for Jade. Tori had dragged Cat into an antique place looking for something in particular. Tori had found the cashier, "Excuse me, do you carry any antique scissors?" "We sure do, we have several pairs near the back." "Thank you very much." Tori grabbed Cat and went to look for the scissors.

They had found the case and there were multiple styles to pick from but one pair caught Tori's eye. They were a beautiful silver pair that had to be made over 70 years ago. "Cat, look at these. Jade would absolutely love these." "My brother had scissors once, he tried to turn his shoes into sandals." Tori gave Cat a curious look but just grabbed her hand and went to pay for the scissors.

Tori had to find one more thing to just wow Jade. That's when she saw one of those shops where people can put words or designs on shirts and that gave Tori an idea. Tori walked into the store as Cat skipped in behind her. Tori looked for someone who was working here and finally found someone behind the counter, "Hey, how much would it be to put something on a jacket?" "The hoodies start out as forty and the zip-up jackets are forty-five. Then each picture is an extra five and letters are a dollar each." Tori didn't think that was unreasonable at all, "Oh okay, that's not bad at all. I would like one of your pink zip-up jackets, and I need the phrase, "Jade West & Tori Vega" written on the back." "We can certainly do that. What color would you want your lettering to be?" "Ummm I'm thinking black." The cashier was totally it up, "Okay, that will be fifty-four dollars please."

A half an hour later, the lady brought out the jacket and Tori knew Jade was going to love it, "Thank you, she's going to love it!" It was a beautiful jacket and even had the faux fur around the hood that Jade loved.
Cat was eyeing the jacket with curiosity, "Do you think she will like it? It is pretty and colorful."
Tori was thinking about the rainbow colored pair of underwear that Jade was wearing the other day and Tori had to stop herself from smiling to much or Cat would be suspicious, "Yeah Cat, Jade wears a lot of colorful things now. I hope she will like it." "I bet she will Tori, it came from you."

It was later that night and Tori and Jade were sitting in Tori's room with their wrapped gifts sitting in front of them. Jade wanted to see Tori open her gifts first, "I got you two gifts but they go together." "I got you two as well. Do you want to open the smaller ones first? We have to open them at the same time." Jade wanted to focus on Tori opening her gifts but she knew there was no arguing with Tori with these things so she just smiled and poked her tongue out at Tori, "Okay babe, it sounds good to me." Jade gave Tori the bag that had the shirt in it and Tori gave Jade a wrapped box that held the scissors. Tori was giddy, "Okay, open them!" Jade and Tori opened their gifts and Jade was mesmerized by the scissors and Tori squealed in excitement, "Thank you Jade! I love it!" Jade finally was able to speak, "These are beautiful, thank you so much baby. These are my new favorite pair."

Tori had already put on her shirt and Jade was still examining the scissors but the girls hadn't even gave out the big gifts, "Jade, we still have one more to open and of that was the small gift then I don't know how I'll handle the big one." "Try not to pass out on me babe."
Jade gave Tori the wrapped CD and Tori gave Jade the bag with her Jacket in it. They began opening them at the same time and each girl almost passed out from excitement. Tori was so excited to get the CD but then she saw something written on the cover, "Merry Christmas Tori. Love Jeremy McKinnon." Tori couldn't believe her eyes so she looked at Jade for conformation, but Jade was wiping tears away from her eyes, "What's wrong Jade? Do you like it?"
"Like it? I love it! It's the nicest gift I've ever received plus I'll always think of you when I wear it." Jade then proceeded to put it on as she smiled really big, "Thank you Tori. So much. Do you like your gift?"
"Of course I do, I completely love it but how did you get him to sign this? How did you even meet him?"
"I was at that music shop down by Nozu and when I was checking out, I accidentally ran into a guy and we dropped our stuff. When he handed me my stuff back, I realized it was Jeremy. I told him that my girlfriend and I love him and the band and I asked if he would sign it for you. He happily did and told us to have a great Christmas. He was super nice just like we thought he was." Tori was absolutely speechless, this was the best thing anyone had ever done for her.

Tori got up and sat beside Jade and gave her the most passionate kiss she could muster and Jade eagerly reciprocated. Jade broke the kiss and laid her forehead against Tori's, "Tori, thank you for the lovely gifts. Thank you for caring about me so much. I love you more than anything." Tori smiled and kissed Jade again, "Jade I would do anything for you just like you would for me. Thank you too. I've never had someone care about me like you. I love you too. More than anyone." They both laid back on the carpet and just stared at one another, "Merry Christmas Jade." Merry Christmas Tori."

Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you all enjoy this fluffy Jori Christmas Eve chapter. I hope you all are doing well and have a lovely holiday or have a wonderful day if you don't celebrate anything. Stay Magical.

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