The Club

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Two seventeen year olds in a club, hunting a vampire. Awesome. I glance over at my brother, Adrian is casually sipping at a drink while subtly surveying our surroundings. We received a tip that there was a vampire nearby, so we decided to hunt him. Apparently, this is the vampire that is guilty of leaving a trail of bodies for the police to find. Needless to say, this bloodsucker needs to die, and he needs to die tonight. I check the inside of my leather jacket to make sure my stake is still there. Vampires only die from a wooden stake to the heart or decapitation, holy water and garlic are just myths; although silver does affect them, it slows them down but doesn't kill them.

I feel a tingling in the back of my skull, Adrian and I swivel around at the same time and immediately find our target. To our advantage, the vampire is intoxicated. This gives us the upper hand, the vampire will be unable to sense the presence of two hunters. Under normal circumstances, a vampire can sense a hunter instantly, making it harder for the hunter to have the upper hand. I cast a look at my brother, not having to say a word, he knows what I'm thinking. Adrian nods and I get up and gracefully slip into the chair across from said vampire.

His head snaps up, and his golden brown eyes glare into my plain brown ones. "Aren't you a little young to be in a club, kid?" His voice is gruff and his words are slurred, yet his eyes are wary.

I smirk lazily, "maybe, but don't tell the bouncer that." I wink. I can feel Adrian's eyes burning holes in the back of my head, making sure the bloodsucker across from me doesn't suddenly jump across the table and tackle me. "And anyways," I continue, "aren't you too handsome to be here all by your lonesome?" My easy smile still remains.

A mirthless laugh rings in my ears, "I ain't got anybody to spend time with."

"Well maybe I can help you with that," I wink again and slowly get up from my chair, beckoning for him to follow suit. He does, and we head towards the back room.

"My name's Roger, by the way." The vampire, who now has a name, announces.

I nod, "I'm Cress." Adrian is stealthily following behind Roger and I as we enter the back room. Roger takes a step towards me, invading my personal space. With every exhale he makes, I can smell the stench of alcohol, confirming that Adrian and I will be saving him from one hell of a hangover.

Roger moves to touch me, but before he can I whip out my stake, "not another move, vampire." Adrian steps out, stake in hand.

Roger looks between Adrian and me. "Hunters," he growls. He tries to make an escape, unfortunately for him, he's too intoxicated to do much but take a few drunken steps before collapsing. Adrian rolls his eyes at how pathetic the vampire looks, before driving the stake through his chest and piercing his heart. Roger's eyes lose their colour, his head falls back a moment before the rest of his body. It takes a few seconds for the body to become a pool of black liquid then dissolve.

"Well," Adrian says, "our job here is done. Let's go home, I have a math test to study for." Unlike most hunters out age, Adrian and I chose to continue attending school, under the guise of a normal life. The only condition for doing this is that we can't tell anyone about what we do, or what lurks in the shadows.

I gingerly wipe my hands on my jeans, "alright, let's go. I have homework to do too." We exit the back room, which now has no traces of what took place a few minutes ago. No dried blood, nothing.

Right before Adrian and I exit the club, I feel a strange sensation. It's similar to the feeling of sensing a vampire, but not quite the same. It's more... pleasant? Mysterious? Alluring? I glance over at Adrian to see if he senses it too, but his face reveals no sign of it. I quickly glance around the club before a pair of piercing blue eyes meet my cautious brown eyes. I know the person is a vampire, he was turned around the age of seventeen, and he wears an annoying smirk on his face. I should notify Adrian about the second vampire, after all, we are to kill on sight. But something, something I can't quite place, holds me back. I begin to wonder why Adrian hasn't sensed the other vampire as yet, just then he pulls at my arm.

"Cress, you ok? C'mon, we should get going." Adrian is looking at me, although he can't quite place why I stopped. Growing up, we were always able to tell what the other was thinking or feeling, but on the rare occasion that we can't, we have reason to worry.

"I'm fine Adri," I reassure him. "Don't worry. Just thought I saw something. Let's go." We exit the club, despite the fact that the weird sensation is still there. It's bothering me that I don't know why this is a different feeling, or why Adri didn't sense the vampire's presence. I turn to look back for the briefest of moments, once again making contact with eyes that seem to pierce through the body to the soul, and a smirk that drives one to the edge of a cliff. I turn around and follow after Adrian, all the while feeling the mysterious vampire's eyes on me.

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