Not So Dead

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Adrian and I arrive and headquarters with two minutes to spare and we walk up to the front desk. One of the receptionists raises their head and notices us, he waves us over.

"Go straight up to Miss Carter's office, she said she wants to get you two briefed as soon as possible." The receptionist refers to Amara in the way that most hunters in the League refer to her. But Amara was close with our parents, and we grew up close with her, she was there for us when our parents passed away, and she makes sure to check in on us whenever she can. She just never calls the landline, she'll normally text us through her own encrypted line, which is why receiving a call from her puts both Adrian and me on edge.

Once the elevator opens on the top floor, we walk straight to Amara's office. Adrian knocks on the door and it opens almost immediately. Amara ushers us inside and quickly closes the door behind us. She then begins to pace the floor of her pristine office, that contains a polished mahogany desk, one chair behind it and two in front of it. We take a seat in the two chairs in front of her desk and patiently wait for her to take her seat. Eventually, she does, and she looks at us with worried looks.

"Amara?" Adrian speaks gently, knowing something is very wrong. "Amara, what's the hunt? Why is it so bad that we had to come to HQ?"

"Adrian, Cressida, you two are very close to me and I love you both dearly, so I am choosing to tell you this because I know that you'd want to know. You have a choice to not accept the hunt and let another hunter take up the hunt, because I understand that you two may not want to do it."

"Amara, please just tell us." I'm starting to panic, as is Adri. Amara knows we always take a hunt, so why would she think that we may not want to take this hunt?

Sighing, Amara types at her laptop, which is hooked up to the big screen next to her. An image then appears on the screen, of two people, presumably vampires as seeing that they're bent over a body. Looking closely at the two vampires, a man and a woman, I feel as if I've seen them before, but I can't understand why.

(Adrian's P.O.V.)

Amara is typing away at her laptop, working to bring up an image on the screen beside her. Finally, the image appears and I assess the setting, people involved, etc. Studying the image, I notice two dominant people, who appear to be vampires, bent over one body. Looking at the build of their bodies, I conclude that one is male and the other is female. The picture was taken at night, so it's a little harder to notice details.

After looking at the image for a good five minutes or so, it starts to dawn on me that these two vampires look familiar, but I haven't the slightest idea why. Cress looks at me the same time I glance over at her, judging from the look she gives me, she's wondering why the vampires look familiar.

I divert my attention from my sister to Amara. "Do we have any information on the two rogue vampires? Names, ages, where they're commonly seen?"

Amara shifts uncomfortably. "Erm, yes we do. But before I give you two that information I'd like to reiterate-"

She gets cut off as Cress, who has been studying the image intently this entire time, gasps. "Oh my god, Amara, please tell me they're not who I think they are." I frown, so we do know them. Taking another look at the screen, I begin to notice smaller details. The familiar jacket that the man was wearing, with his hair that comes off as black due to the lighting when it's actually a very dark brown. Then, there's the sleek black hair or the woman, long and tied up. The woman's neck sports a prominent scar, the half of it that runs along her back hidden by her shirt. The woman has the same sleek black hair that Cress and I have, and the image gives us a view of part of the man's face. Mentally enhancing the image, I am almost certain that those are the same deep brown eyes that we have. Where's as the woman has calculating green eyes.

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