Blood, So Much Blood

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(Cressida's P.O.V.)

Adri reaches downtown in record timing, with no shortage of angry honks and swearing drivers at Adrian's reckless driving. He carelessly pulls into the parking lot and parks the car, not bothering to park it properly. We climb out and Adri opens up the trunk and reveals the hidden compartment that's loaded with vampire hunting weapons. Once we have a good amount of weapons on us, we walk up to the front door of the restaurant.

The front door is locked tight with a chain, the back door in the same state.

"Damn it!" Adri mutters a string of colourful curses, having walked back around to the front, he slams a hand against the door, frustrated.

"Help!" A hoarse voice sobs from inside. The voice was barely above a whisper, but as hunters, we heard the plea.

Adrian stiffens next to me, "no," he sounded scared and I didn't understand why. That voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't place who's voice it was.

"Please, help me!" The person says again, a girl. I hear the girl sobbing somewhere inside, the fear crystal clear in her voice. Then, something clicks.

"Stacey," her name escapes my lips as I place her voice. I look at my brother next to me, he's frozen with fear. "Adri," I try coaxing him out of his paralyzed state to no avail. "Adrian!" I snap, he flinches, but that's about it. "God damn it, Adri." I turn him so he's facing me and I slap him across the face.

"Ow! What the shit Cress!" He blinks at me, wide eyed.

I shake my head, "sorry Adri, but nothing else worked. Don't take it personally."

He seems to understand, and the fear is in his eyes once again. "Stacey, she's in there."

"I know, and we're going to save her." With that, I look at the rest of the building. All the windows were boarded up, recently too. Chances are, our parents replaced the old and rotting boards with new ones, and it'd take too long to pull away enough boards to create a space big enough for us to crawl in.

"Adri," I suddenly said, remembering a very useful weapon in the trunk. We had just gotten it about a week ago, and I had forgotten all about it until now. I glance at the trunk and he follows my gaze, "go grab the-"

He realizes what I'm talking about before I finish my statement, "on it." He dashes off to the car and throws open the trunk. Seconds later, he's back with the flamethrower. Adrian trains the weapon on the chain keeping the front door shut and blasts it, the metal turns to putty in a matter of seconds.

"Sweet," my brother eyes the flamethrower in his hand before shrugging and tossing it to the side. "No need to carry another thing, it'll only add more weight." Not caring to argue, I nod and we dash inside. Adri and I listen for the one pounding, erratic heartbeat present, our steps growing quicker and stronger as we get closer and closer to it.

The two of us skid to a stop once we reach our parents, Stacey is on the floor, battered and bruised, cheeks stained with tears. Thankfully, there seems to be no bite marks.

"Let her go," Adrian grits out, hands clenched.

Stacey looks up when Adrian speaks and her eyes widen and I see hope glisten in her teary eyes. "Adrian!"

"Don't worry Stace, it'll be okay. I'll get you out of here," Adri draws a stake out, his knuckles white from the tight grip he hand on it.

"Hello children," our father takes a calm step towards us, while our mother stays by Stacey.

"I'm going to say this once more, and if you don't listen, it's your god damn funeral, for real this time. Now, let Stacey go." Adrian takes a step forward as well, and I draw my stake, all of my senses on high alert.

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