Deals, Deals, Deals

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(Cressida's P.O.V.)

"Cress!" I jolt back to reality when my brother yells my name. "Jheez Cress, you've been spacing out the entire day, what's going on?" Adri and I are currently sitting and eating lunch, well, he's eating while I pick at my food and reply Chem class over and over again in my mind.

I clear my throat and shake my head. "Nothing."

"Spill, now." Damn my brother and how good he is at telling when something is wrong with me.

I can't tell him about the deal I made with Raphael, but I can tell him about the whole telepathy thing. "Well uh, as it turns out, the bond has grown much stronger." Adrian looks at me curiously and I sigh, continuing my explanation. "Raph and I can communicate telepathically now." Best not to sugarcoat it.

Adri spits out his drink and starts coughing. Once his coughing fit is over, he looks at me bewildered. "What?! Cress, we have no idea what that could possibly mean! We need to start asking Amara questions, she has to know something."

"Do you really think she'll tell us if she does know anything? She's not the same Amara we knew as kids, Adri."

"You're right," he stares into space for a moment, probably going over other ways to get some sort of information. There isn't exactly a library we can go to, there are a minimal amount of books that provide information on our kind and the vampire race. All of those books are either in Jerimiah's possession or Amara's. "What if we try and ask Jerimiah?"

I let out a laugh that's void of humour. "You honestly think that we can get information out of the oldest and most powerful vampire that walks this earth? Adri, I love you, but that's the stupidest idea I've ever heard from you."

He sends a glare my way, then he continues. "Just hear me out, Cress. Jerimiah loves deals, everyone knows that. What if-"

"Hell no! You're sounding more insane by the second, Adrian. You've heard the stories about making deals Jerimiah, and you also know that they never end well. We are not desperate enough to make a deal with someone worse than the devil."

"Well what other choices do we have, Cress?" Adrian yells, and I can tell he's getting frustrated. He worries so much, he was always the more careful out of the two of us, the one who always needs to have answers to something he doesn't understand.

"I don't know!" I sigh and take a moment to calm myself down. "I don't know, Adri. But making a deal with Jerimiah is out of the question."

"Amara made a deal with Jerimiah."

"Adri, she made a truce with him, that's completely different. Besides, even if we decided to make a deal with him, do you honestly think he would? We're not even eighteen yet, even someone like Jerimiah has reservations, I doubt he'd make a deal with two minors." Lunch is almost over, so the two of us start to gather our things, dodging past two kids chasing each other down the hall.

Adrian throws out his garbage and flexes his hands, something he does when he's trying to not get agitated. "That may be so, but he's also greedy. Who knows, if we make him an offer he can't resist, he may just throw all his reservations to the wind."

I grab my brother's arm, causing him to stop walking. "Adrian, listen to me. I understand that you're worried and you're afraid of things you don't understand, but this is crazy. For you to make an offer that Jerimiah can't resist, that'd be the worst fate you could ever bring upon yourself. Promise me you won't keep entertaining this idea."

Adrian sighs, dejected. "Alright, fine. I just don't want you to end up getting hurt because of something you didn't even ask for. It's my job to protect you."

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