The Stalker Or The Stalked?

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Nothing like a good hunt to clear my head. After everything with Raphael, getting a call from the League saying they want us on a hunt, on a night we should probably be studying, I welcomed it. Studying leaves room for distractions, such as Raphael Zantos. A hunt does not.

It's a pitch black night, and the sky is clear. A soft wind blows through the forest where Adrian and I have tracked the vampire. The wind carries the scent we've been tracking and we follow the trail to a clearing.

There in the clearing is the vampire, she's a fledgling, the undeniable scent of a newborn vamp is prominent on her. I estimate she was turned about an hour ago, whomever turned her was obviously looking to cause trouble. Fledgling vampires are careless and ruthless, they're not used to their newfound abilities and without the right guidance, they go on a killing spree. When a vampire turns a mundane, they're often smart enough to keep them under control, for fear of stirring up trouble with the League. But this newborn is all on her own, hunched over a limp mundane with her fangs in their neck.

Adrian and I advance slowly but surely, and once we're close enough, we attack from either side of the vamp. She drops the now dead body immediately and begins to run. Here's the downside of hunting a newborn, they are fast, faster than a regular vampire, and stronger too. When they're first turned, their body is adjusting to the change, so their body kind of arranges a defensive system. Hence why they're faster and stronger. Adrian and I chase after her, but at the back of my mind, I feel as if I'm being watched. Not thinking anything of it though, I keep running.

(Raphael's P.O.V.)

There is something about that girl, something different. In all my years of living, I have never experienced a feeling such as the one I experience when I'm near her. I first felt it at the club, before her and her brother leave, and then again everyday at school when I see her. Now, I feel that exact feeling as I silently walk through the forest, trailing behind Cressida and Adrian. I've masked my scent and I'm too far behind for them to sense me.

I smile slowly, the two hunters have found my fledgling. Admittedly, I probably shouldn't have turned the poor mundane girl and then let her run amuck. But, I was bored, and curious. So, I turned her, knowing the two of them would take the bait and hunt her down. A little cold-hearted? Totally. But seeing Cressida in action is worth it, the tales told about the two of them on a hunt doesn't do justice to the watching them and experiencing it first-hand.

Cressida was ready to pounce at any given moment, but the way she held herself made her seem so at ease. Must come with years of being a hunter. Her brother was similar, despite them having two different body types, him being muscled and broad, her being slim and flexible, they managed to pull off the exact same position whilst on a hunt. The two of them worked as one, moving in time with each other and never getting in the other's way, it really is quite incredible.

I grin as a soft breeze blows by I catch Cressida's intoxicating scent. I can't even begin to describe her scent, but it's wonderful, it gives you a sense that she's a sweet person, but there's a definite undertone of danger. Ah yes, she is dangerous, for the time that I have been alive, I've never met someone as dangerous as her, and I've met some very dangerous people. But Cressida isn't your everyday type of dangerous, not at all. A normal kind of dangerous person would hide it, act all sweet and then sweep the rug out from under you feet. But Cressida? She shows her sweet side, and she genuine about it, but get on her bad side and she becomes your worst nightmare. I learnt that lesson from our very first conversation, she's blunt, and has no interest in hiding her contempt for "my kind".

I am pulled out of my thoughts as the fledgling takes off, realizing she is being followed. Adrian and Cressida waste no time and chase right after her, I grin and jump down from the tree I'd situated myself in and follow along. Hmm, I hope Cressida is the one to kill the newborn, a smile that may be slight sadistic crosses my face.

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