chapter eight

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Connor had finally decided he was well enough to get off of the bathroom floor, so Troye, being the angel he is, helped the ill boy out of the bathroom. As the two boys entered Connor's bedroom, Cheryl was already in there - placing the crackers and ginger ale next to Connors bed.

"Are you feeling any better after throwing up?" Cheryl asked, walking up to Connor and placing her hand on his back. Connor just nodded his head, making his way to his bed.

"Kind of. Why didn't you come check on me in the bathroom?" Ever since Connor was a kid, Cheryl would always be there for Connor when he was throwing up - which wasn't too often.

"I peeked in," Cheryl defended, turning to Troye, "but it looked like Troye had it all under control." Connor blushed and Troye just smiled. After another quick conversation with his mother, she had said her goodbyes and left the two boys in the room.

"Thanks," Connor stated, causing a smile to form on his face.  "For, you know, helping me." Troye smirked in return, walking his way over to the edge of Connor's bed.

Connor took the time to study Troyes face. He never really had the chance to notice how good Troye looked with his nose piercing. It complemented his blue eyes and curly hair very well. Connor was too distracted to notice Troye had taken his phone.

"I'm getting my car back tonight," Troye explained, throwing Connors phone next to Connor, "so if you need anything, feel free to text me."

"o-okay?" Connor replied, slightly confused.

"why did you say it like that?" Troye raised one of his eyebrows.

"like what?"


"I thought you didn't like me, that's all" Connor explained, fiddling with his phone in his hand. "I mean, yeah I didn't like you at first but you've kinda grown on me."

"I guess the same goes for me, then" Troye explained, turning his head to look at the ground. "I mean, I don't have a reason to hate you."

"Yeah I guess"

"okay, I'm going now. text me if you need anything, Smokey."

"oh fuck you"


Connor was feeling better the next day, no doubt about it. Yet, Nicola still insisted on staying home with her brother.

She said that "her brother is more important than work," which was probably some lame excuse to get out of work; but Connor didn't mind. He enjoyed hanging out with Nicola.

He and Nicola always had a close bond ever since the divorce, which was probably the only good thing to come out of the horrid decision made by his parents.

Connor and Nicola spent a good portion of their day lounging on the couch, catching up on all the latest TV shows.

Once the current episode of Modern Family was over, Nicola quickly grabbed the remote from her brother and turned off the TV.

"Nicola, what the fuck?" Connor asked, trying to grab the remote from his sister, only to have it be thrown across the room. "What was that for?"

"Nothing, you've just been oddly quiet today. Somethings on your mind," She pointed out. Connor sighed in frustration, because goddamit his sister knew him well.

"Nicola, nothing's wrong." Connor reassured.

"I never said something was wrong, I just said there's something on your mind," Nicola pointed out. However, Connor wasn't paying any attention to his sister, only to his phone.

He had been texting Troye all day today, and after awhile Troye stopped replying. Connor assumed he was ignoring him, so you could only imagine how Connor felt once Troye finally replied.

Once Connor read the text, his smile dropped - and Nicola noticed.

"what's wrong?" she asked, raising her eyebrow.

"Troye texted me," Connor explained. Nicola's face brightened up at Connors mention of Troye. She found it adorable that Connor liked him. "He said that Joey ditched him for their movie date."

"I...oh" Nicola sighed. "Why are you upset about that?"

"Because Joey is a dick to Troye!" Connor explained, sounding defensive. "He treats Troye like shit and Troye is too blind to notice how bad of a person Joey is."

"Joey isn't a bad person" Nicola stated firmly. Connor was taken back by his sisters sudden change of mood. Was she defending Joey? "I mean, I guess he is, but he's a nice person, Con."

"How would you know?" Connor questioned, raising his eyebrow. "You've never hung out with him, Nicola."

"Yes I have, plenty of times." She retorted. "I've hung out with him enough to know that he's a good person. Maybe it's Troye who's the weak link in the relationship."

"Troye? The weak link?" Connor questioned, trying to hold back a laugh. "Nicola, Troye is the only one putting effort into that relationship!"

"He only started putting effort in once Joey stopped!" She explained, frustrated that her brother thinks he knows everything about a relationship between two boys he barely knows. "Stop acting like a know-it-all!"

"Me? acting like a know it all? I'm only stating facts that I've gathered from seeing them interact with my own eyes." Connor couldn't believe he was having this fight with Nicola right now. Besides, how does she know all this shit about Joey? "And what do you mean Troye just started putting in effort into the relationship?"

"I phrased it wrong," Nicola explained. "I guess what I meant was that people noticed how much effort Troye put into the relationship only after Joey started chea-" She stopped herself, covering her mouth with her hands.

Connor caught it though.

"Nicola..." He warned, his voice going down to a near whisper. "Joey is cheating on Troye?"

Nicola only say there in silence, closing her eyes. She had just fucked up big time.

"Nicola..." Connor repeated. That's when Nicola broke.

"Yes, alright? Joey is cheating on Troye."

Connor wanted to ask how she knew, but then everything was coming together.

The fact that she defended Joey.

The fact that she's knows more about Joey than Troye probably does.

The fact that she admitted to hanging out with Joey.

And, after all, Troye had informed Connor that Joey is bisexual.

"Oh my God," Connor whispered under his breath, coming to a conclusion. "Joey is... he's cheating on Troye with you"



lol hi I should be uploading chapter nine soon. idk when,,,, but soon.

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