chapter sixteen

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After their conversation, Connor was pleasantly surprised that there was little to no awkward tension between them. They continued on as if nothing had ever happened, as if Connor didn't just spill his heart.

Soon after, however, Bethany came home, barging into Connor's room.

"God, Troye, I'm sorry. I didn't think you guys would end that quickly. Anyways, what was it you wanted tot talk to me about?" She asked, holding up phone, referring to the text Troye had send her an hour or so ago from the restaurant parking lot.

"Oh, just wanted to tell you how things went," Troye explained, looking a little heavyhearted.

"Alright!" Bethany was complementary oblivious as to how the date went, which made Connor snicker quietly. "Well, I'm sure Con doesn't want to hear the boring details, so let's walk over to my room an-"

"Actually, I already told Connor. So there's no reason to exclude him in the conversation," Troye explained looking over at Connor.

Connor had a sudden moment of panic, thinking that Troye was going to tell Bethany what they talked about afterwards.

"Oh? Okay, but can we move to my room?" Bethany requested, earning a nod from both Connor and Troye. She smiled and lead them over to the her room.

Before they entered her room, Connor grabbed a hold of Troye's arms, pulling him back.

"Please don't tell her about, you know..." Connor pleaded, looking up at Troye.

"Connor, I wouldn't do that to you, okay?" Troye promised, giving Connor a warm smile, then proceeding back into Bethany's room.

"Okay," Connor whispered, even though Troye wasn't able to hear him anymore. With a slight hesitation, Connor followed Troye into Bethany's room, sitting down next to him on the bed.

As Troye explained to Bethany how horribly the date went, Connor couldn't help but worry. He is a worrier for sure. sometime's he worries if his dad is actually happy, and sometime he worries if his family is keeping secrets from him. But right now, he's worried about his friendship with Troye.

He was worried that Troye was lying, and he did, in fact, feel uncomfortable around Connor now. what if Troye didn't want to be friends with Connor anymore. Yet, Troye wouldn't lie about that stuff, right?

Right Connor told himself, completely zoned out from the conversation in front of him.

"Connor?" Bethany called, bringing him out of his train of thought.

"Hmm?" Connor asked, looking over at her, facial expression showing confusion.

"I'm sorry for setting Troye up on this date, especially since it was with your ex." she apologized, looking truly sorry for doing it. Connor quickly accepted her apology, saying that it wasn't a big deal.

All three of them began talking about random things, topics ranging anywhere from food to movies. It was actually really enjoyable for Connor. He actually loved hanging out with Bethany, she is such a nice person.

"Oh my GOD!" Bethany shrieked, cutting Troye off from what he was currently talking about. "Guess what?"

"What?" Connor and Troye asked, both in unison.

Connor was certain that he has never seen a smile that big on Bethany's face. 

"Remember Kevin?" She questioned, both Troye and Connor nodded their heads in the affirmative.

Kevin is Bethany's long-term crush. She tried to make it as subtle as possible, but everybody with eyes could see the looks she gave him. Bethany, doubtfully, liked Kevin. a lot.

Connor remembers when he'd drive Bethany home from school and she'd go on and on about a thirsty second conversation she and Kevin had. It was cute, it really was.

"well, he asked me to the couples dance next week!" Connor's face lit up, a huge smile plastered on his face. He was truly happy for Bethany. At least somebody had luck with their crush.

"Beth, that's so cool! Congrats!" Troye smiled, sounding truly genuine. "But what is this couples dance?"

Bethany then went on to explain, in detail, what this dance was. She said it was specifically for couples - usually in high school - and they hang out dance, do whatever. She explained how Andrea and Kian were going together, as well as Zoe and Alfie. Troye, however, wouldn't be going.

we need to get you a date," Bethany commented, looking at Troye. "That way the whole gang can be at the dance together."

"Yeah, but we saw how well tonight went. Good luck finding me a date," Troye scoffed, completely disregarding the fact that Connor was literally sitting right next to him.

"I'm sure something will come around," she reassured, giving Troye a sad smile. "There's someone out there who's perfect for you, I know it."

"what if it's Joey?" Troye questioned. Connor looked at Troye, completely dumbfounded that Troye would be saying this. Did he not remember the conversation they had about Joey?

"It's not Joey," Bethany stated, firmly. "You're too good for him, Troye."

"I just," Troye sighed, looking down at his hands. "You're probably right."

"she is right," Connor scoffed. "but don't worry, you have a week to figure out who to go with, and if worse comes to worse, we can hang out and be single together."

Troye accepted Connor's offer, thanking him for being nice to him. Meanwhile, Connor was developing a plan to make sure that they were, in fact, going to hang out that evening - preferably at the dance.



hi this was short sorry (and it was also a large ass filler)

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