chapter twenty one

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The following days went like this:

Troye and Connor exchange limited words to one another. But, yet they talked enough to the point where everything wasn't as awkward as before. Connor had sent Troye some texts, explaining he was sorry for calling out Troye and calling Joey a dick. Troye didn't accept Connor's apology, considering Troye deserved every word Connor threw at him.

Tonight, though, was the couples dance. A night filled with smiles, dancing, and music. Connor wasn't ready for tonight, even though he promised himself he'd be ready to ask Troye.

He had the essentials; a suit, a rose for Troye, and even his way of asking Troye. Yet, he was missing one key thing; confidence.

He also needed to check with Bethany to see if she still had those two extra tickets she had talked about earlier. Those are particularly important. Of course, with asking Bethany, he'd have to explain who he's asking and why.

Tonight was going to be long, but it would all be worth it in the end. Connor would be able to dance the night away with Troye, all his worries will have been subsided for a night. He was looking forward to it, to say the least.

Connor double checked to make sure everything was set for tonight. He then went to go ask Bethany for her extra tickets. When he approached her door, she was sitting at her mirror, curling iron in hand. Connor smiled as his step sister, he was happy she was happy. Hell, she was about to go to a dance with her crush for 3 years in a beautiful dress. What else could she want out of tonight?

Connor knocked on the door, hoping Bethany could hear over her music. Thankfully, she did. Her smile never left her face as she told Connor to enter her room.

"What's up?" she asked, turning back to the mirror to check her hair.

"So, I was thinking about going to the dance tonight," Connor explained. He was waiting for Bethany to catch onto what he was asking.

"Oh! Do you have tickets?" She questioned.

"well, I was hoping that you could give me your extra ones," Connor confessed. That's when the smile left Bethany's face. "What's wrong?"

"Con, I'm so sorry, I already gave them to Troye," She explained. Bethany felt sorry that she couldn't help out her step brother.

"Troye?" Connor asked in confirmation. "Who, who is he going with?"

Bethany bit her lip, knowing that Connor wouldn't want to hear the answer.

"He's, uh. He's going with Joey." She confessed. Connor wanted to ask so many questions. Why would Bethany even give Troye the tickets if she hated Joey? Why didn't he ask Connor?

Yet, Connor stayed silent. He hated how he waited until last minute. he hated that Troye wanted to go with a cheater. He hated that Troye was still, somehow, in love with Joey. He hated everything. But most of all, he hated that it wasn't him going with the beautiful Australian. 

"Oh." Was Connor's only reply, before turning on his heels to exit Bethany's room. Unable to set down her curling iron, Bethany threw a makeup brush at Connor to stop him.

"Get back in here, Franta." She commanded. Connor obeyed, walking back into her room and sitting down on the bed.

"I know you don't like Joey, but it's what Troye want's, okay?"

Connor sighed. "I know, but," Connor debated if he should tell Bethany about his crush on Troye, yet he decided against it. "I have a bad feeling about Joey."

"We all do, Connor. He literally cheated on Troye," Bethany sighed, turning back to her mirror. "He promised Troye he wouldn't do it to him again, though."

"Did they, did they get back together?" Connor questioned, a lump forming in his throat. He thought that maybe Troye would only go to the dance with Joey, not become his fucking boyfriend again.

Bethany nodded, and for what seemed like the millionth time that month, Connor's heart dropped.

"why?" She questioned, a smirk playing in her lips. "Why are you so concerned about Troyes relationship?"

"Because," Connor breathed. "Is it a crime to care about my friend?"

"No, but I just figured there's more. Isn't there?"


"Connor, don't lie to me." She warned with a stern finger in the air. Connor sighed in defeat.

"Fine, Bethany. I fucking like Troye, okay? I wanted to ask him to this stupid dance tonight but now everything is ruined because fucking Joey," Connor ranted out. He pulled out the flower from his pocket that was originally for Troye. "I even got him a fucking flower, Bethany. But Troye, he's just so hung up on Joey and I don't get it!"

Bethany was taken by surprise at Connors outburst. She expected a simple "I like him," not this.

"Does he not see that Joey is an asshole? Does he not see what he's doing to me? I tell him I like him, he tells me he likes me, we kiss, and now he runs off with Joey after the boy cheated on him?"

"You kissed!?" Bethany screeched, trying not to burn herself with the iron in her hand.

Connor sighed in frustration. "Yeah," he stated, this time more calm than before. "And now he's, I don't know. All I know is that I'm done trying with him. He was probably fucking lying when he said he liked me."

Bethany had enough of Connors pathetic sadness, she leaned over to unplug the iron and set it aside.

"Con, listen," Bethany comforted, going over to her emotional step brother. "Troye want lying, okay? He does like you. He's talked to me about you."

Connors heart sped up.

"His emotions are just so blocked off once Joey comes into the picture, it's ridiculous. Don't take it personally. We have to let him make his own mistakes."

Connor hugged his step sister. She was probably the only good thing to come from the divorce, and Connor was thankful. Bethany was his family, that's for sure.

"Thank you, Beth."

"Just do me a favor," Bethany let go of Connor, placing her hands on his shoulders. "He's going to want to talk to you about Joey. As much as you hate it, please let him. Do it for me? For Troye?"

"I'll do it for him."


lol here's a short, unedited, lil chapter that probably makes u wanna kill me.

o h  w e l l

also can we talk about verse four because it actually makes me want to cry holy shit it's so cute

and fucking too good live thank you so much sign me the fuck up


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