chapter twenty

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They both leaned in.

Within an instant, their lips touch. Connor had dropped the wipe that was previously in his hand, hoping that his hand could now occupy Troyes hair, rather than the chemical filled wipe.

However, just as Connor was about to reach for Troyes hair in order to make something more of the slight peck, Troye pulled away and Connors heart dropped.

Connor looked at Troye, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as his fingers stayed on Troyes chin.

Troye bit the inside of his cheek, refusing to make eye contact with the forest green eyed boy. Connor was the first to speak.

"Troye?" his voice slightly above a whisper. Troye didn't reply, he just closed his eyes, almost as if he was in pain.

"Troye?" Connor repeated, louder than before yet still quiet.

"I'm," Troye choked out, moving his face away from Connors lingering fingers. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry? For what?" Yeah, Connor was a little disappointed that Troye had pulled away that fast, but it was nothing to be sorry for.

"Everything." Troye stated, hoping Connor wouldn't question what he meant. But, of course, Connor did anyways.

"Everything? Troye there's nothing that you need to be sorry ab-"

"Yes, Yes there is!" Troye snapped, Connors eyes widened. Troye took a deep breath, trying to compose himself as his hand flew into his hair.

"I'm, how do you like me?" Troye questioned, having no intention of Connor answering. "I've lied to you, I've lead you on, I've ignored your constant ramblings about how Joey is a huge fucking dick. I've done nothing but fuck with your emotions, Connor."

"Lead me on?" It was as if, out of Troyes entire rant, this was the only thing Connir picked up on. It was only fair if Troye explained himself before Connor answered his first question.

"We just kissed, Connor!" Troye stated, as if it was the most obvious thing (which it was). "We kissed and I don't know why I did it!"

"So you don't like me?"

"No! I do! Just," Troye didn't have the heart to continue - but Connor knew exactly where this was going. He basically had this conversation before.

"Just not as much as Joey?" Connor sighed, stepping away from Troye. "You like me, but you'd rather be in a relationship with Joey than with me."

Troye stayed silent.

"Am I right?" Surprisingly, Connor stayed oddly calm about the whole thing, despite being reject from his crush -- again.

"no," Troye stated calmly. "I'm just not ready to be in another relationship."

"So if I were to ask you out, you'd say no?" Connor asked, trying to confirm his thoughts. Troye nodded. "What about Joey? What if he asked you on a date? Would you reject him?"

Troye stayed silent before answering the question.

"depends on the situation."

Connor sighed in frustration. "So you'd pick a lying cheater over me? okay,"


"No, Troye it's fine. As long as you're happy."

"How could you say that?"

"I'm a people pleaser. It's what I do, even if it kills me."

And that's when the door opened, revealing three girls who looked like they had just ran a marathon in their name brand clothing and jewelry.

"You took off the makeup!" Zoe screeched, oblivious to the awkward atmosphere.

Troye smiled, shrugging his shoulders as if nothing had just happened between he and Connor. Connor noticed how often Troye does this.

"Oh well, come on. The new episode of Scream Queens is about to start. We gotta watch it!" Andrea said, grabbing onto Troyes wrist, pulling him out the door. Zoe in tow.

Bethany, however, stayed behind. Even thigh they've only known each other for a few years, Bethany can read Connor like the back of her hand. They're extremely similar.

"What happened?" She questioned Connor, truly worried about her older step brother.

"It's nothing, just me being a people pleaser." Connor shrugged. Bethany knew Connor struggled with this. Being a people pleaser was both a messing and a curse to Connor. Days like today, he thought of it as a curse.

"What happened?" Bethany asked again, wanting Connor to spill the details. Knowing Bethany, she wasn't going to let this down so easy, so Connor gave in. Telling her everything - excluding the fact that he likes Troye.

"Troye is still hung on Joey," Connor explained to Bethany. "He said, if Joey asked, her pick him over someone else."

"is there a particular someone else you're talking about?"

"No," Connor lied. "It's frustrating."

"Con, let him make his own mistakes. He'll learn from them." Bethany comforted, placing he hand on Connor's shoulder. "He'll realize it sooner or later,"

Connor smiled at his step sister. "Thank you, Beth." Connor replied sincerely. "Can I join you guys?"

Bethany quickly answered with a yes, taking her hand off Connor's shoulder and proceeding to the door. Before she opened it, she turned back to Connor.

"You don't happen to like Troye, do you?" Bethany questioned, raising her eyebrow. Connors face reddened.

"What? No," He answered, sounding less convincing as each word stumbled out of his mouth. Bethany just shook her head, basically knowing that he was lying.

"Whatever you say, Con."


The following hour was one of the most  awkward hours of Connors life. Bethany purposely sat next to Zoe, leaving the only spot open next to Troye.

Connor hesitantly took a seat at first, which caused Troye to shift closer to Andrea. Connor just sighed. He knew he was in an awkward situation, and he was going to try his damn hardest to make sure he gets out of it.

The couples dance was only a few days away, and Connor was still determined to make sure he went with Troye.

And it looks like Connor has about a day and a half to figure himself out and fix things with Troye, then another half day to to ask the boy.

He knew it would be short notice for Troye, but maybe everything would be alright.

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