chapter thirteen

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Troye had left the following morning after falling asleep watching 'The Heat' with Connor.

When they woke up, they both just started laughing over the fact that they had fallen asleep so early.

So, after packing his stuff to bring to his moms, Connor dropped Troye off at his house.

Afterwards, Connor picked up Brandon and they both made their way to their moms house for the week - Nicola had her own car, she was already there.

As soon as Connor stepped foot inside of the house, Nicola pulled Connor into her bedroom, an uneasy look on her face.

"What's going on?" Connor questioned, not even getting a chance to place his things in his room. Nicola closed the door and motioned Connor to sit at her desk chair.

"So, Joey and Daniel broke up," Nicola opened with, the uneasy look still on her face. "Daniel said Joey only broke up with him to win back Troye,"

"But he's a dick!" Connor shouted, he despised Joey with a burning passion.

"Yeah! And Daniel said that Joey will probably come crawling back to him as soon as he wins back Troye."

Connor groaned in frustration. Joey wasn't going to catch a break, was he?

If Connor never met Troye, his life would be so much easier right now. He could be watching a documentary or writing in his journal, not trying to play undercover detective with Troye's love life. Yet, he enjoyed this.

"Get Beth in here, we need to think of something to assure us that Troye won't take back Joey," Nicola suggested, seeming more stressed about the situation than Connor was - but Connor didn't question it. He just nodded his head and followed his sisters request, leaving her room to go get Bethany.

"what?" Bethany asked as soon as Connor showed up in her doorway. She took one earbud out of her ear and closed her laptop.

"Nicola, you, and I need to talk," Connor stated, but giving Bethany much of an option. "It's about Troye."

This seemed to perk Bethany's interest as she immediately stood up from her bed and walked over to Connor.

"Why are you two so caught up with Troye? You guys barely know him." She questioned.

"Nicola is best friends with Daniel and, I don't know, I guess Troye and I are friends." Connor confessed, trying to stay away from the whole "crush" portion of the story.

Bethany seemed skeptical of Connors answer, but to Connors relief, she didn't ask anything else.

Once both of them arrived in Nicola's room, Nicola began explaining the situation to Bethany, who seemed to have a quick enough answer.

"We can set Troye up on some dates," she suggested. Weirdly enough, Connor thought that was a good idea - even if it meant he wouldn't be the one going on dates with Troye.

"Who do we know that would be willing to go out with Troye? Has to be a boy," Bethany looked right at Connor as she spoke, never breaking eye context.

She totally knew, didn't she?

"but, of course, it can't be Connor. Considering you two are only friends, so it'd just be awkward." Bethany had a smirk playing on her lips, causing Connor to blush.

"Actually," Nicola started, only to be shot down by Connors glare. She seemed to catch Connors drift as she tried to change  what she was going to say. "Um, Connor? Do you know anybody?"

Connor had to think for a second, trying to remember all the boys who'd be willing to, well, go on a couple dates with Troye.

"There's Tyler Oakley," Connor started, "But he's dating somebody, and I don't really think Troye would like him that much."

"Isn't he like, overly dramatic?" Bethany questioned, trying to put a name to a face.

"Yeah, sometimes. He's really nice though, I've talked to him a couple of times." Connor admitted, but everybody agreed that he wouldn't be the one for Troye.

"Oh! There's also Matthew Erikkson!" Connor stated. "He's really cute, good hair, and he could definitely be a model,"

"Sounds like Con Da Bon likes this Matthew guy." Nicola winked, nudging Connor with her elbow, Connor just laughed.

"He's cute, but that doesn't mean he isn't a player. He's hooked up with half the population of the school. Boys and girls included." Connor stated. Nicola and Bethany were kind of shocked that Connor knew so much about these people, but they just let it slide.

All three of them went on to name a few more people, like Andrew, Ben, Matt, and Nick, but none of them seemed like a good fit for Troye.

"There is one other person," Bethany started, her voice sounding quieter than before "and I know you won't approve, Connor, but I think he could be great for Troye,"

No no no no Connor thought to himself. He had tried to avoid his name all night, the thought of him even made Connor want to cry.

He was a nice boy, he really would be good for Troye, but Connors heart couldn't help but drop to his stomach when he heard the name.

"Who? Shane?" Nicola asked, Bethany just nodded.

Connor bit down on his lip and looked to the floor, trying to avoid this conversation as much as possible.

"I still talk to him sometimes, I could see if he would be willing to take Troye out on a date or two," Bethany stated, scrolling through her phone, probably trying to find his contact.

"I like Shane. He really is a nice guy, a little inappropriate at times, but so very nice." Nicola smiled, looking over Bethany's shoulder as she drafted the text to Shane.

Hey Shane, it's Bethany Mota. Listen, I need to ask you a question and it involves Troye Sivan. Text me back ASAP. thank you xx

Bethany read the text out loud to Connor, who only let out a mumble in response.

"Con, I know you would rather see Troye with somebody else, but Troyes my best friend and I really think he'd like Shane."

"I know," Connor spoke, his head still pointing at the ground. "It's better than Joey, i guess."

However, Connor just couldn't convince himself that this was the best option for Troye.

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