never trust corner stores

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Tyrene pov

If I could fly away I would, I would've been left but where would I go. I had no home no where to be no one to even care bout me

Mrs Rachel stomped into the room it was late at night. She walked over to my got. I felt a whip of cold on my legs and knees I  cowered into a tight ball shivering.

"get your behind up and get me some cigarettes, milk and some fuking cheeto's BIOTCH." she said shaking her hips. I cowered on my bed hoping she wouldn't start hitting me.

I rolled off my bed towards the floor. I avoided her feet . I slipped on some sweats and a extra large t- shirt along with a way two big hoodie. I didn't need people knowing im a girl alone outside in the street.

"don't you dare come back without my shi. Or I'll kick you out my self. You little tramp."she said as I left the house.

I started running down the rode til my breathe became hoarse. My legs were tired. I really need to start exercising.

"fattys like me need to start running.oh DF well" pretends to eat a snicker bar. I start laughing at my own sillyness.

" yeah go diet" I say in a snobby white girl voice.

"go gain some weight u anorexics. Hill Billy." I say back

"uhhh.... Shut up you fat twit" I say in white girl voice again.

"im not fat. I way 110 pounds. Don't hate cuz I got Dem curves."I say back

"  at least I got a home" she gloated.

I said nothing and kept walk. She told me, she shut me up right away with no problem. I could feel her smirking as she faded from my mind.

I kept walk in to the corner store. It wasn't really a corner store to me since I live a good 5blocks away. I was about a block away.

the corner store wasn't even a store. It had only the standered items. I'm pretty sure it was mostly used for drug transfers, but it was the closes thing here.

I grabbed my items and headed to the counter.

All of a sudden the door busted open. 5 masked men came in carrying machetes and Ak47's. I was the only coatmer here at the time. I had my hood up and shifted towards the back of the store. I hid behind the aisle.

"Oh mr parigo nice to see you." a man said in a deep voice. I could tell he was hiding his voice by the way he talked it sounded unrealistic of deepness.

"oh... Oh.... Hello mr Jones. My favorite person to buy from. How may I help you. I didn't expect you till next week" mr parigo sounded nervous.

I always knew he was a shifty person. Did he not realize I was here. I had a feeling that something real bad would happen. My hoe mind told me I needed to leave.

"well mr peeedro your money was counterfeit. " another voice said. It was much lighter and sounded normal.

I started to edge toward the ending asle trying to be as quiet as possible. I decided to take a minute to rest.

" wtf are you doing run" my conscious yelled at me.

" I might slip up if I keep going"I thought back.

"oh good thinking. We don't need to die." she said.

" there must be some mistake. I'd never cheat you all."mr parigo he did a nervous laugh.

I heard the cock of the gun. I ran swiftly down to the last asle. I waited a secound til I made sure I didn't hear anyone say anything. I started to walk down the aisle. I peered over at them and


mr prarigo was wide eyed with a bullet in the head. My heart beat real fast.

*Thump* all of the stuff fell out my hand

The masked figures turned to look right at me. I looked at them for 1secound before i tried to run out. Before i even reached the door i felt a cold metal touch the back of my hoodie.

I froze. My breathing became dark and shivered.

"tjrn around boy" the voice said

" wtf are you country or some shit" i said in a man voice. I turned around slowy. Im pretty sure he couldn't see my face.


"what are you trying to do. Go tell of your boys tpur boss is dead huh." he cocked his gun as he said this.

I felt tears well up in my eyes. I was really bout to die today. I think i let a few sniffles fall out.

The man laughed" I ain't never seen no gang boy cry. I guess you should've stayed til we led little boy. Why don't you tell me what business you had here with our ex comrade." he said darkly.

If this guy is such a gang member why is he using these long behind words. I mean who in there right mind say the word comrade. Smh.

"i-i-I shop here sir" I said in my regular voice.

he looked a lil shocked at first then before I could realize the movement he flicked my hood off. I heard someone gasp in the background.

"just like I though a girl" I could feel him smirking.

This can't be good

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