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"as your alpha I command you to tell me who it is" cayden said

I tried with all my might but my wolf got the nest of me.

"he is my friend Tyrone" I said gritting my teeth.

Tyrene pov

"give me the phone" he commanded. I gave him the phone no questions asked. He took the phone a d hung up on Tyrone.

I could feel his intense glare at me. I was looking at the floor he was looking at me. It was like this for a bitter 5 minutes until he grabbed me by the neck. I didn't do much of struggling I stayed limp. He put me down on the counter.

"why were you with them" his voice was a deadly calm.

" how do you know I was with them"i asked

He was glring at me now his jaw clenched. His fist tightened,but I kept on my pocker face.

"don't play with me. I'm in no mood now why were you with them" he asked again.

"we went to watch a movie" I said. He just looked at me like he didn't believe me.

" that's some BS what kind of idiot. Goes to some random persons house" he asked. I raised my hand and smiled sheepishly.

He wasn't amused.

"your a freaking retard and your a freak of nature." he said coldly.

"that's your opinion" I moontoned my voice and gave him a deathly stare.

Slit his throat. He has no right even if he is alpha

" im not the only one" he taunted his eye were flashing. They were turnings black.

"w-w-w-ho else then" my voice began to stutter. I need to get out of here right away.

" your brothers too. That wanted to send you away from us"he said.

That was a lie. I knew it was they wouldn't send me away they love me too much right. They wouldn't do that

" that's a freaking lie and both you and me know it" I said. I was ready to ho I got off the counter and walked away.

He once again had me by the neck. I was struggling and kicking. He had me against the wall.

" I can fix you" he started "I'll just punch your teeth out" he said .

I started panicing before I could stop him his fist upper gutted my jaw. I started howling with pain. My jaw felt as if it were crooked. It wasn't moving right. Shouldn't it starts healing since im a wolf.

a bunch of feet ran down the stairs towards the kitchen.

" wtf did you do" screamed Tyler.

" she was speaking with the wlf gang" cayden said.

"why would you do that" tycon asked.

I couldn't even say anything my jaw wouldn't let me. So i just whimpered.

"wht isn't she speaking" tyran asked

"i broke her jaw" cayden said.

"oh"was all they said.

Hey weren't gonna even try to help me. They were to loyal to him instead of there family.

I heard a howling in the distance. Well actually like it was right outside the door. Then there was a knocking. We all looked at each other then they all looked at me. Just wonderful if it were a murder id be the one to die. What gentleman*note sarcasm*

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