Promise (Louis Tomlinson)

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"I won't ever forget you. I promise."

He said before hugging me tightly one last time and slowly turning around and walking to the gate.

There goes the boy who captivated my heart yet slowly broke it, all in just a week's time.

He promised me. But promises are hard to keep-impossible-to keep. Especially when you're an international celebrity. Especially when you promise to never forget that one "special" girl, while you're traveling all around the world with girls flinging themselves at you everywhere you look.

From that day forward, I never heard from Louis Tomlinson again. My best friend. My only friend. All the happiness I had left in me, all gone in an instant.

To this day, I remain like most of the guys in the world when I say: I HATE One Direction.

A/N: I decided to try and write a fanfiction guessed it! LOUIS TOMLINSON!!!!! THE MAN-BOY WHO RUINED MY LIFE!!!! Um so anyways this is just the summary/ prologue. Don't know when I'll write again, though hopefully soon. So um bye.

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