Happy Birthday Babe

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Louis' P.O.V

I woke up to the smell of warm tea and freshly made pancakes and bacon. Curiously, I opened one eyelid, not expecting to see the empty sheets where April was sleeping soundly next to me last night. Looking around the room, I sat up, before leaning over to the nightstand. On it, was the tray of the aforementioned pancakes and tea with a note attached.

Louis, It read,

Happy Birthday Babe! If you're wondering where I am you'll find out later ;) For now, just eat your breakfast (made by yours truly with lots of love) and enjoy your special day. When you're done head out to the living room for the first of many birthday surprises in store today.

Love you, April

P.S: Okay I didn't really make the pancakes, it was Harry. But I was the one who told him to so it's the thought that counts right?

I smiled to myself, before quickly eating my breakfast and getting out of bed. The first think I saw when I opened the door was a small box wrapped in-ironically- One Direction wrapping paper.

Since it was addressed to me I picked it up and unwrapped it quickly, before opening the box. Inside, I saw a watch that I had pointed out to April a while back while we were shopping. I smiled at the fact that she remembered, and then put it back into the box carefully and continuing on my way to the kitchen.

On my way there I picked up about six more presents (a wallet, a set of his and her teamugs along with a gift card to my favorite tea shop, a limited edition version of my favorite movie, a record of my favorite album, an disk box set of all pixar movies ever made, and finally some clothes). When I finally made it to the living room I was greeted by Zayn, Harry, Liam, and Niall.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" They shouted when they saw me. I smiled and pulled them in for a group hug.

"Thanks guys."

"I can't believe you're twenty-three you old sod." Harry patted me on the back and I smiled wider.

"I know. Anyways, would you guys happen to know where my lovely girlfriend is?"

"Sorry, mate, I'm afraid I can't say that." Liam said.

"Yeah, she swore us to secrecy. Oh but she did tell us to tell you to press play." Zayn replied, motioning towards the TV Remote.

I sat on the couch and turned on the TV, pressing play and starting the video.

"Hi Babe, Happy Birthday again." April said through the television. "Sorry I wasn't there to pepper you with kisses the moment you woke up but there's a reason for it. Anyways, I'm hoping that the boys haven't told you of my whereabouts but I promise you'll find out very very soon. In the meantime, get dressed and meet me in our secret hideout in about an hour, okay? Bye honey love you."

I smiled at hearing her voice and quickly got up and made my way over to my room to get dressed.


On my way there, I couldn't help but thinking about how we had discovered this location in the first place.

"Loooooouuuuuuuiiiiiiiiis," April whined, "I told you it would rain, didn't I? But nooooo you never listen to me and now I'm probably going to get hypothermia and die. And it's your fault. Happy?"

"C'mon babe stop overthinking everything. This could be like in the movies. You know, making out in the rain a little." I said, wrapping my arms around her soaked waist from behind and leaning my chin on her shoulder. l

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