My Best Friend, Brother, and Boyfriend

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*Josh's POV*

"No updates on Sam lately. I hope that means she's still awake..." I started, sitting in my living room with the cause of this problem, Tyler motherfucking Joseph. My used to be best friend. After this, I don't know. Sam wants us to be friends still, but Tyler caused this. How can I forgive the person who caused my sister to try to kill herself.

"I hope she is." He said, biting at his fingers. He's never done this, but he seemed pretty nervous. I'm glad that he cares, but it's still his fault. I started talking again, then my phone began to ring. I picked it up in a hurry and answered it.

"Hello!" I almost yelled.

"Hello. Is this Joshua Dun?" The receptionist lady asked.


"We have some news on your sister, Samantha Dun."

"Yes! Tell me!"

"She is getting better..."


"She wants to see someone named Drew." She paused, leaving me confused.

"We don't know how to contact this boy. She won't tell us much, but she told us to tell you."

"Okay. Thank you." I said, hanging up. I instantly sent a text through the group she made with Ashley, Tyler, some unknown number, and me. I assumed it was Drew, since she told him everything. I sent it, and Tyler looked at me. "Sam wants to see him."

"Oh." He said. We just sat and waited for a reply. When it came, I was unbelievably happy.

'I'm on my way. I can be there in a few hours.' -D

I grabbed my car keys and drove Tyler and myself to the hospital. We ran inside and to the waiting room outside the hospital room she was moved to.


"Josh?" A boy asked, standing behind me. He was wearing a Halsey shirt, and I just rolled my eyes.

"Do you—" I started, then I recognized him. "Drew!"

"Yeah. That's me." He said, oddly calm for being a fan and to be talking to me. "Where's Sam?"

"She's in there." I said, pointing to the door. It was cracked, but she only wanted to see Drew, so we didn't try to go in.

"Thanks." He said, walking in. He stayed in the room longer than Tyler and I. She really trusts this kid. Maybe I'll like this boy. After a almost an hour, he came out.

"So? What'd she say?" I asked him, being nosey.

"She said she wanted me to stay until she could be discharged." He told me, making me resent him again. He took a seat by Tyler and I, and we all sat and waited.

"Why does she want to see you so bad, but not me?" Tyler asked, breaking the silence.

"Because she's scared." Drew said, only angering me. "She didn't want you to see what she did to herself." He told Tyler. "She talked to Josh, because she felt like he needed to know she was okay."

"She told you this?" I asked, curious as to why she was so open with this boy.

"Yeah." He said, pulling out his phone. He started typing and I just stared at him.

"So you like Twenty One Pilots?" Tyler asked, watching his every move. He was obviously jealous of Drew and Sam's relationship.

"Yeah. One of my favorite bands, actually." He said, making Tyler give him a death glare. "You guys are sick." Tyler's gaze got more deadly and I couldn't help but laugh.

"If looks could kill." I whispered to myself. Drew looked at me, but Tyler kept glaring.

"What's your favorite song?" He asked Drew.

"Anathema." Drew said, putting his phone away. "Or clear, but you guys saved my life."

"You mean we helped you save your own life?" I asked before Tyler's glare could actual burn through Drew's head. A few seconds of silence was too much, so I continued. "I see you like Halsey."

"Yeah. Ashley Frangipane is amazing!" He said, a little more excited.

"Yeah. I think so, too." I said, keeping Tyler out of the conversation.

"I love her song Castle." He told me, making me smile.

"Strange Love is my favorite." I told him, being honest.

"Rumor has it... That song is actually about you." He said, making me smile.

"Changing the subject!" I said, smiling. "So where are you staying?"

"Um... I don't know ye—" I didn't let him finish.

"You can stay with us." I offered, making Tyler glare at me like he did at Drew.

"What?" Tyler asked.

"If you're a friend of Sam's, you're a friend of mine." I told Drew, ignoring Tyler. I need to replace Tyler anyway. Why not with someone Sam actually likes?

"Thank you so much!" He said, obviously excited.

"Yeah, man. No problem." I said, looking over at Tyler who started tapping away at his phone. Then mine buzzed.

'What are you doing?' -T

'Getting to know Sam's friend.' -J

'Why is hr staying the night? We can get to know him right here.' -T

'Yeah, but this'll be more fun.' -J

'Fine.' -T

And with that, I looked at Drew. We asked him some more questions about himself. Turns out, he's actually pretty cool. He has potential to be a good friend of ours.


"Drew spent the night with us last night." I told Sam as we signed her discharge papers. It was just Sam and I. No Drew. No Tyler. "Tyler and Drew are cool now..." I told her. "Okay, barely, but they're not fighting, so that's good."

"It's a start." She told me, smiling at the lady with the papers before she let us go. "I mean, I need my best friend, brother, and boyfriend to get along, right?"

"I guess so." I said, putting my arm around her. She put her head onto my shoulder, and we walked to the car.

"So..." She started. "Are you and Tyler cool?"

"Yeah. We all stayed up all night, so I hope you're tired, because we are."

"Yeah. Kinda, but I can't wait to see Drew and Tyler again." She said, getting into her seat. I got in the driver's side, and we drove home listening to Anathema, Castle, and Clear on repeat the whole way there.

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