Chapter Five

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-One Month Later-

I've been spending a lot of quality time with Shannon lately. We're still only friends, and I'm okay with that. I just enjoy his company and like that he actually has a good head on his shoulders. The only thing I don't agree with is his ability to be so damn pushy and controlling. He's not my boyfriend, so he has no control over me and I try to tell him that constantly. Still, he's a good guy outside of that so I'm still around.

Right now, I'm at his house. He's in the shower, getting ready to go out and I'm laying on his bed. "Shannon!" I yelled out to him.

"What girl? And I told you about calling me that!"

"Hurry up!" I whined, focusing back on my phone. I was texting my longtime, uh, crush? I guess you could say that. Landyn and I have been friends since before we could walk honestly. His mom and my dad are both pastors and good friends, so he's always been around. Landyn is a lot like me, he's a pk, but doesn't let that stop him. He still has his morals and values, like me, but he likes to party and have a little fun from time to time. I honestly find it hard to believe he's held on to his virginity all 22 years of his life. Landyn is fine. Finer than fine, and could have any girl around Atlanta at the drop of a dime. But he knows, no sex before marriage and he's saving it for the right woman. All of our lives, well mostly when I was eighteen and he was nineteen, our parents tried to hook us up. They just know that we'll end up together, but he's not making any moves so I don't know.

I felt a sharp sting on my butt that scared the shit out of me. "Girl, what got you all smiley over there?" Shannon asked.

"Business, Shannon. Find some." I said turning back to my phone. "And, don't be smacking my butt that hard."

"Berry. Shannon is a female name, I'm 100% man."

"You're momma didn't think so. She named you." I heard him suck his teeth, then the bed dipped beside me. He wrapped his arms around me, and I can't say I didn't like it.

"Why you always playing with a nigga, Ash?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Why don't you give me a chance? What am I doing wrong?" I turned to face him.

"You're not doing anything wrong, Shannon. I'm just not sure if this is what I want."

"Why not though? You here basically all the time. We sleep in the same bed, you cook for me and clean for me. You playing the role of girlfriend, without the title. I don't get it." He pulled me closer to him, putting his chin in the crook of my neck.

"Shannon, don't do this right now. Please? Lets go out and have a good time. Let me think about it, okay?" He sighed.

"I guess Ashleigh." He got up to get dressed. He put on a pair of black Levi's and a white tshirt that had a black and tan design on the pocket. He slipped on his thick gold chain and Rolex, diamond studs in his ear. Shannon could dress his little ass off, man. He was tying the strings on his tan timberlands, when I draped my arms over his shoulders, rubbing his chest.

"Are you mad at me, Shan?" I asked sweetly into his ear.

"Nah, you good." He sat up. I pouted.

"Shannon, don't be like that."


I let out a huge huff of breath. "Berry, don't be like that." I rolled my eyes and made my way to sit in his lap. "Look, I'm sorry. I just don't think I could do it. You're always at the studio, I don't know what's going on while you're there, you're a little controlling, and I... I just don't want to be hurt."

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