Chapter Thirty

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Days, weeks, and finally three months had passed. I hadn't spoken to Shannon in three whole months. Part of me was breaking down, the other half was so proud. I was growing apart from him and learning that he wasn't all there was to life. I mean I knew that before, but now I really felt it. I still miss Shannon, but knowing that he can't hurt me is comforting right now.

I'll admit for the first few weeks of me being back home I stayed at Shannon's. I said I was going home and at that point Shannon's place is what felt like home. It made me feel safe. The apartment wasn't the same without Lei there and I for damn sure wasn't going to my parents'. I decided that staying there wasn't the best decision. It just made me miss Shannon more. So many times I almost picked up my phone to call him. I wanted him bad for those first few weeks because he was what I knew and loved. Instead of breaking down, I just checked on him from time to time. I was on his Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. Everything just to be able to see his face. I still look, just to make sure he is doing fine.

I plopped down on the couch just as the front door swung open. It was none other than the wobbling, six months pregnant Leila. She was huge to just be six months and was the most adorable pregnant woman I had ever seen. "I am so tired..." She whined, standing next to the couch. "Move Ash, I'm pregnant." I laughed at her, looking into her eyes and then back at the tv. I was flipping through the channels trying to find something interesting on tv. Before I knew it Leila was laying on top of me, smashing the hell out of my body.

"Oh my gosh! I'm dying! I'm dying!" I gasped out, trying to regain breath. "Lei, you too fat for all this! Childish ass!" She laughed, wiggling herself into a more comfortable position.

"Hush! I'm trying to watch tv here!" I laughed, even though I was pained. She really was heavy as hell now that she was pregnant. One quick buck and I could have had her on the floor, but I didn't want to hurt my niece.

Lei stopped laughing abruptly and scurried for the remote that had fell to the floor. "What are you do-" I was cut off by the tv. Berry, one of Houstalanta-LA's greatest producers, has been spotted at several locations, on several occasions with model-actress Aniya Rum! "Don't turn it off." I spoke softly to Lei. Could this be the new it couple!?! Could this be the start of a Beniya!? Here we have them cuddled up at an outdoor rap charity event! Kissing goodbye outside of a hotel! Holding hands while they laughed and waited for their dinner! I stood from the couch as several pictures came onto the screen. Shannon and Aniya... Together.

"Ashleigh, baby, don't let that get to you. You're beautiful, funny, smart, and girl, that ass." She fake fainted, placing her backhand to her forehead. "You could get anybody you want!" Leila trailed behind me to my room. I looked at the clock mounted on my wall. 6:30 pm.

"Thank you, baby." I smiled, playing back her words. Leila was a jokester most the time, but when it came down to it she knew just how to make you feel good. "I'm going out tonight." I gave her a pouty face look. "Will you do my hair and makeup please? I'll buy Delani lots of clothes!" She smiled wide at that, she loved getting and buying clothes and shoes for her baby girl.

"It's a deal! Sit, sit!" She pushed me to my vanity and basically forced me into the chair.

Leila wand curled my hair and sprinkled a little glitter over it. Where she got the glitter? Why she put glitter in my hair? Two unknown questions... For my makeup she went light and natural. A little shimmer, light blush, and a skin tone liquid lipstick. She was having so much fun. This is what she used to do for herself, but now all she does is lip gloss, ponytails, natural or straightened hair, and comfortable clothes. She only tries on her once-a-week date night or the surprise dates thrown at her.

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