Chapter 3

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I got out of the carriage and walked inside. " Your home early." I heard my father say. " Don't worry I'm going back tomorrow." I said. " Really? I didn't expect you to warm up to the town that quickly." he said. " I didn't I just have to get back at someone." I said. "Who?" he asked. "Dipper Pines I think his name was." I said. " Oh one of the Pines, should've warned you." father said. " You know him?" I asked. " Yeah I know all the Pines, I'm friends with Standford Pines and I got introduced to his whole family." he explained. I just nodded till finally father said " I haven't seen Dipper in a long time, how is he?" " I guess he's fine, I mean I almost got stampeded because of him." Father laughed and said "That boy really knows how to get on people's nerves." " Yeah, do you know anything else about him?" I asked. " Its not my story to tell son." he said patting my back. " Well I have to go to my study, I'm glad you enjoyed your day." he said. I smiled and watched as he walked away.
~~~~~~~~~~~ time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~
I was on a horse riding into the town in disguise. I'm finally going to get revenge on that peasant boy. I finally got into town and tied my horse up. I started to head towards the store until I bumped into a girl. " Oh I'm so sorry sir!" she said. " Its fine." I said. " Your new!! I'm Mabel Mabel Pines!!" she said excitedly. " I'm Bill, Bill Clinton." I said. " Hi Bill! Do you want me to show you around?" she asked. " No I'm actually know where I'm going." I said. She nodded and said " I have to go then so I'll see you later." I waved and walked away finally going into the store. " Hello may I help you today sir?" I heard the voice of Dipper ask. " Yes I'm looking for Dipper Pines." I said smirking. " Oh I'm him, what do need?" he asked. " Well I just wanted to....GET REVENGE!!" I yelled. I covered his mouth as he screamed and I pulled him into the bathroom. " What do you want? Gold? An animal? I'll give you anything just please don't hurt me!!!" he yelled tears forming in his eyes. I started to laugh. " I can't believe it was this easy!!" I said. I pulled off my disguise and watched as he pushed me off and started to sniff and wipe his tears away. " You jerk!!" he yelled. He started to sob and he was covering his face. My laughter slowed to an awkward chuckle that soon stopped. I watched as he was wiping his face and trying to calm down. " I'm sorry." I said. He looked at me with an angry look but then looked back down. Finally he calmed down. " Why did you freak out? It was just a prank." I said. " I thought you were a robber or worse a murderer." he said. He wasn't looking at me. I grabbed his chin and asked " Why aren't you looking at me?" " Well you just scared me half to death!!" he yelled pushing me off. " I met your sister on the way here, are you two twins?" I asked. " Mabel? Oh yeah we are." he said.
" Oh that's cool, do you two live here by yourselves?" Bill asked. " No we live with our great uncle's." I replied. " How about your mother and father?" he asked. " Um well they died." I said. " Oh I'm sorry Pinetree." he said. " Pintree?" I asked. " Yeah its the nickname I chosen for you." he said. " Why?" I asked. He came closer to me, to where our noses were almost touching. " Because your hat." he said. I felt my face burn and I just noticed that we were in the bathroom together. " Umm Bill can we get out of the bathroom?" I asked. Bill laughed and got closer to where his mouth was closer to my ear. " Why Pinetree? You afraid something might happen between us?" he whispered. I felt his tongue go around my ear. I felt my blush grow hotter as he started to lick down my neck. " B Bill!" I stuttered. I heard him chuckle as he pulled away and walked out leaving me in the bathroom stunned from what just happened. I shook out of it and followed him out. When I walked out I saw Mabel at the door frozen and Bill standing there awkwardly. " Dipper is that who I think it is?" she asked me. " Yes it is but you can't tell anyone!" I said. "I can't believe the Prince is here at our store and omg!!!!" she yelled. " Mabel calm down he's just a normal guy." I said. " He's not just a normal guy he's the prince!!" she yelled. " I agree with your sister Pinetree I'm not just a normal guy." Bill said smirking. Bills smirk grew wider as he came closer to me and kissed my cheek. " And he's gay!!!" Mabel squealed. I felt my face grow hot as Mabel said " Omg I can't believe my brother is with the Prince... Hey when you guys get married will you be taking our last name out is Dipper going to take yours?" Mabel asked Bill. " Well he's obviously going to take my name because I'm the man of relationship." Bill said. " Shut up..we're not even together." I said my face growing more hot. " Are you sure Pinetree? Because things got pretty heated up in the bathroom." Bill said. " You two kissed!!!" Mabel gasped. "No!!" I yelled. That's when Stan came out and he asked " What's this talk about Dipper kissing someone?" That's when he spotted Bill and bowed " I'm sorry your highness, my niece and nephew need more respect around royalty." he said. " No it's fine, call me Bill please." Bill said. " Really?!" Stan said surprised. Bill nodded and Stan said " Anyway Dipper Ford is coming back from his trip soon and he has this new project for the two of you and he wants to know if you could start on it." Stan said. " Of course." I replied. " Ok ill send a letter to him tomorrow." Stan said leaving. " Well I better be leaving Pinetree." Bill said. " Ok see you later?" I asked. Bill smiled and nodded. He was about to leave but then stopped and turned back to me and kissed my hand. " I'll see you tomorrow m'lady." he said smirking. I smiled and looked at my feet. He chuckled and left. " Oh my gosh Dipper!! He likes you!!" Mabel yelled. " Really?" I asked. She nodded and I smiled going back to work.

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