Chapter 15

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The cave was filled with gold. There was lanterns on the wall lighting the treasure up. " So how are we going to find my uncle?" I asked. " We'll find him Pinetree...don't worry." Bill said. " FORD!!" I yelled. " Kid be quiet your going to wake the dragon!" Tad hissed. That's when I saw a huge blue dragon egg that was in the middle of a large red tail. I followed the tail and found the red dragon sleeping, when it breathed out its nostrils there was a small flame coming out. I heard Bill gulp and heard him say " If that wakes up how are we going to survive." " Then don't wake her up." Tad said. " Dipper!" I heard someone say. I looked around the big cave until I saw my uncle trapped in a cage. " Ford!" I said. I started to walk over to him. Until I felt someone's hand grab my arm. " Kid we can't get him right now! We have to get the egg." Tad said. " What! No I came here to save my uncle! Let go!" I said. " Fine your highness your coming with me." Tad said. " No I'm going with Dipper!" Bill said. Tad groaned and said " Fine but don't make to much noise while walking in the gold." I slowly put my foot on the gold coins and heard a slight clink. I then kept going the coins slightly making noise under my feet and behind me where Bill was following. I finally made it to my uncle and asked " Are you ok?" " Yeah I'm fine...why did you bring Tad!!" he hissed. " He said he'll help me find you." I said. He looked towards Bill and said " And you brought the prince!!" " He insisted he would go!" I said. " Dipper you need to stop Tad..he's only here for the egg...and if he gets it he'll destroy our world." Ford said. "But he said-" " Dipper you never trust a demon..he is just using you!" Ford said. " Bill can you get him out?" I asked. " Yeah..but where are you going?" he asked. " I'm going to stop Tad!" I said. Bill then grabbed my face and kissed me. " Be careful." he said. I nodded and ran over to Tad, who had the egg in his hands. "Tad give me the egg!" I hissed. " No...I finally got's finally mine!! And you helped me! Hahahahahha!" Tad said. He then tried to crack the egg but it didn't work. " Why isn't it working?!" he asked furiously. " That's because I put my blood on the egg and it won't crack or open without mine or any of my relatives blood." I heard Ford say behind me. I turned around and saw Ford holding his gun up at Tad, with Bill behind him. "No!! You stupid meatsack!!!" Tad yelled. " If it's the Pines blood I need then I'll get it!" he hissed. I heard a sword being taken out. I slowly turned around and said" Tad You don't need to do can't kill my uncle!" " Who said anything about killing him!" Tad said. He then lunged at me but I heard Ford yell" Dipper no!!!" I was pushed out of the way and the sword went into my uncle. " Uncle Ford!!!" I yelled. I got up and was about to lunge at Tad bit Bill did it for me. " Here Dipper!!" Bill said throwing the egg at me. Roarrrrr!!! " Dipper the dragon!" Ford wheezed. I ran over to him and said " I'm not leaving you here!" Tears were pouring out of my eyes. " You have to Dipper...keep the egg away from Tad!" he said. He then pulled a piece of paper out of his trench coat. " Here read this when your out of will tell you what to do.... Now go!!!" " Ford no please...I'll carry you!!" I yelled. Roarrr!! " Dipper we have to go...Tad left" I heard Bill say. I stayed silent and cried over my uncle's dead body. I heard Bill sigh and felt him pick me up. " No let me go!! Ford!!" I sobbed. I put my face on Bills shoulder and hugged the egg to my chest along with the paper Ford gave me. Bill ran away from the cave with me crying in his shoulder. A few moments went by and I found myself in the forest. " I need to stop here Pinetree." Bill said. I nodded and felt Bill put me down and leaned me against a tree. " I'm so sorry." he said. " I'm going to kill Tad!" I hissed. " Dipper...killing won't make your uncle come back." Bill said. " I don't care...he's going to pay for what he's done." I said. I heard Bill sigh and said " I'm going to go find some can stay here and watch over the egg." I watched Bill get up and walk further into the forest. I put the egg next to me and opened the paper.
Dear Dipper,
I don't know if I'm going to be back anytime soon. But I found the egg! It's mother is guarding it right now and I'm stuck in a cage. Your Probably never going to get this but just in case you do..Dipper this mission is my last. I kept having dreams that I die. So if I do..I want you to keep researching in the lab. Find new things and go on adventures. But here's a warning..never trust Tad..he's a dream demon.. If somehow the egg gets to you..can you give it to Mabel..she would be the perfect mother of it...all she has to do is put a drop of her blood on the egg and it will open. Dipper I have to go now..I love you...I wish I could tell you about your parents..maybe ask Stan. Also tell him to take a shower
I put the letter down and cried. " It should have been me!" I sobbed. " What should have been you?" I heard Bill asked. I saw him carrying pieces of wood and looking at me with confusion on his face. " I should have been the one who died!" I said more tears coming out. Bill dropped the wood and came over to me. " No shouldn't have...if it was you..what would your sister say...and what would I do? You mean everything to me Dipper. If you died I won't have anything to live for...besides my brother." Bill said. I looked over at him and saw tears in his eyes. " Bill can you please take this pain away?" I asked. " won't help." Bill said. " Please would for a little while." I said. " Ok."

I hope this chapter is good. If it isn't then I'm sorry I tried my best to do Stanford's death but it was pretty hard because I didn't want him to die but it makes sense if he did. So please vote and comment...cause I like reading makes me happy. And thanks for reading!!!!

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