Chapter 5

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"Hahahahahahahhahhahahhhahahahahahahahaha look at his forehead!!" The whole town was in a circle with me in the middle. They were pushing me and punching me. But that didn't hurt me, the one that hurt me the most was when Bill looked at me. " Your pathetic! Look at you! I would never fall for an ugly looking thing like you!!" he yelled. Then he kicked me in the stomach 4 times. " Bill please!!" I cried hot tears falling out of my eyes. " Why did you think I will fall in love with you?" he asked laughing at the end. " Your wrong!" he said. He put his foot up and was about to lick me again- " Ahhh!" I woke up with me sweating and tears on my face. I looked out the window and saw it was night. I heard my stomach grumble. I got up and went into the kitchen and grabbed myself some bread to eat. As I was eating I noticed that is was really quiet. It never is this quiet. Then all of a sudden I say a bright purple light and a voice. " Hello Stanford you there?" it asked. It was coming from Ford's room. I slowly walked over and placed my ear against the door. " I know your there kid why don't you come out?" It asked. I slowly opened the door to see a man in a purple suite with black hair. " Oh isn't it Dipper Pines?!" he asked amused. " How do you know my name? And why are you in my uncle's room?" I asked. " Wow kid straight to the point, no hello?" he asked. " Anyway I'm here on business and you can't get involved, now go back to your pointless dream lands." he said. " No...I'm not leaving until you tell me who you are and what you want with my uncle." I said. He sighed angrily. " I'm in a rush kid I can't have any distractions." he said. " Well I guess you'll have to cancel your plans then." I said. He smirked. " I'm starting to like you, I'm Tad Strange." he said holding out his hand for me to shake. But I didn't take it all I did was glare at it then at him. He took his hand back and chuckled. "Ok kid now you may leave." he said. " No." I replied. He face palmed himself and said " Kid you don't understa-" " What I don't understand is how a man snuck in my store and is in my uncle's room in the middle of the night!" I said with venom in my voice. " That's because I'm not normal." he said whispering into my ear. I shuddered and looked back at him to see that he was gone. I went in a full circle and couldn't find him anywhere. He couldn't just vanished! I went back in my room, and sat on my bed.
" So when's the ball?" Will asked. " In two days!" I said. " Maybe I should go tell Pine tree." I said talking to myself. " Pinetree?" Will questioned. " Oh it's what I call Dipper." I said. He nodded and said " So is Dipper going to be your wife? Or should I say husband?" Will asked wiggling his eyebrows. I felt myself blush and said " Not yet he doesn't even know I like him." " I'm going to the town!" I yelled trying to get out of the conversation. " What about father?" Will asked. " Tell him I went out." I replied already to the door. I opened it and got on my horse. I gently kicked his side, which caused the horse to gallop. Once I saw the town I smiled. I tied up my horse and walked into the Pines store ignoring the screaming girls. " Hey Pinetree!" I said. " Oh hey!" he said. He looked like he was in a conversation with Stan so I said " Am I interrupting something?" Dipper shook his head and asked " Is there anything I could help you with?" " Wow Pinetree I thought we were friends." I said. " We are." he replied. " Then why so formal?" I asked. He just shrugged. " In fact there is a reason I came here." I said. " I'm having a ball in two days and the whole town is invited." I said. I then heard a big scream and a door slamming open. " Did I hear BALL!!!?" Mabel asked excitedly. " Yeah and I came here to ask if you two could be my special guests." I said. "That means I get the store to myself." Stan said. " You could come if you like." I said. " Nah it's fine..besides what's an old man like me going to do at a ball?" he asked. He then walked away leaving me here with Dipper and Mabel. "I can't wait to tell Candy and Grenda!!" Mabel squealed. I looked over at Dipper and saw that he was scratching the back of his head. " What's wrong Pinetree?" I asked. " Well you see balls aren't really my thing." he said. " Oh come on Pinetree!!" I said putting my arm around his shoulder. I felt him stiffen. " Yeah come on dipster! It will be fun." Mabel begged. He sighed and looked at me then Mabel. " Fine." he said. I smiled and forced him into a hug. " Uhh Bill?" he asked. But I ignored him and kept my arms around him. After a while I felt his arms go around me and his face snuggling into my chest. " Umm guys I'm still here." I heard Mabel say. Dipper pulled away real fast and looked at his feet. " Well I have to get back to work." he said. I poured as I watched him leave. That's when I felt a nudge on my arm. I looked and saw Mabel wiggling her eyebrows. " So what's with you and my brother?" she asked. " What do you mean?" I asked my face heating up. " You know what I like my brother!" she said. " I I" I stuttered not finding my voice. " Oh my gosh you do!!.... I can't believe it someone finally likes my brother and it's the Prince!!" she said excited. I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

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