Chapter 14

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"There's a small village coming up." Tad said. " How do you know?" I asked. " Your highness I'm a demon I can sense any human souls that are cluttered together in a small space." he said. " I know your a demon but there must be something you don't know." I said. "Well there's love..I don't exactly get it...all I know is a male and female..or male in your guys case...come together for a ritual..or something then you reproduce and they do the same thing." he explained. I stared at him with disbelief. " I wish it was that simple." I finally said after a couple of minutes. " Kid what cha reading?" Tad asked Dipper. I looked at him and realized he had a book in his hand and wasn't paying attention to me and Tad's conversation. " Yeah that's cool." Dipper said. " It's called Yeah that's cool?" I asked. "Yeah." he said. I heard Tad huff and say. " Your boyfriend got me..he's dying Kid!!" " That's great!! Go have fun with that!" he said. I gaped and heard Tad chuckle. " I think the Kid is just so into the book that he doesn't care about you!" he said, saying the last bit louder. Finally Dipper got out of his book and asked " Doesn't care about who?" I pouted and said "Tad was saying that I was dying and you said that's great." " Oh I'm sorry I was just so into this journal that I found." he said. " Journal!!?" Tad asked. " Yeah...I found it in my backpack" he answered. Dipper held up a book with a six fingered hand on the cover. " It reminds me of my uncle...he has six fingers on each you think he wrote this!?" he asked, mostly to himself. " Kid that's mine...I must've gotten out bags mixed give it to me!" Tad said. " No! This might be my uncle's!" Dipper said. " It doesn't even say his name in you don't know if it's give it!" Tad said. Tad reached for the book but Dipper put the book above his head. " Kid this is not a joke..I need that book!" Tad said. " Guys." I said trying to get their attention. But it didn't work. "GIVE ME STANFORD'S JOURNAL NOW!!!" Tad yelled, his whole body turning red. " You just said my uncle's it is his book." Dipper said. " Ok fine it is since you know give it to me!" Tad hissed. I sighed and ride in between them and grabbed the book from Dippers hands. " Hey!!" he whined. " Thanks for getting the book from your crazy give it!" Tad said. " Nope...none of you are having it." I said. I placed the journal in my pack and stared straight not looking at the both of them, while they argue. " Now look what you did Kid!" Tad said. " What I did!?...That's my uncle's book it doesn't belong to you!" Dipper said. " It doesn't belong to you either!" Tad replied. " Can you two stop? Your sounding like children!" I hissed. " But-" " No buts as your highness...I command you....both to be silent." I said. I saw them glare at each other for a second then turn there heads back to the direction we are headed.
🕘🕤🕕🕠🕠 Time Skip🕠🕕🕤🕕🕠
" How many more miles away is the town?" Bill asked me. " It should be coming up here in a few mili-" " Here's the town!!" Tad said. I looked away from Bill and saw the small town. There was a few people about and they were wearing rags and looked really dirty. " Sheesh this place is a dump!" Tad said. " Why are they looking at us with so much hate?" Bill asked. We found a spot to tie our horses and got off. We walked down the road and found a small broken down store. We walked in and I heard a small bell ring. "Hello is anyone in here!?" I asked. That's when we heard a bump and a young man with black hair and bright blue eyes appeared from behind the counter. " Oh newcomers!! And looks like you are rich!!" he said excitedly. " Well the blonde on is." Tad said. " How may I help you?... By the way I'm Kayden...Kayden Spence." Kayden said. " We're here to find the dragons cave." Tad said. " What!!?" he asked. "It's for a very important cause so please do tell." Tad said. " Well it's up on that mountain." Kayden said pointing. I turned around Bill following my actions and saw a mountain that doesn't look that far away from here. " Ok thanks for your help...we should be going." Tad said. " Wait!! You have to pay me 13 gold coins for information. Tad groaned and then put a bag of coins on the counter. " You happy now?!" he said sarcastically. We were about to leave when I asked " By any chance have you seen an old man in a trench coat?" " Oh you mean that crazy scientist guy that was looking for the dragons egg." Kayden said. " Yeah he went up to that same mountain." he continued. " Thanks!" I said. We walked out and found our horses missing. " Where are the horses!!?" Bill asked. " Someone stole them..what does it look like?" Tad said sarcastically. " Well let's go find father is going to kill me!!" Bill said freaking out. " Bill it's fine...we'll find them." I said trying to calm him down. " Actually we don't have time for that..we are going to have to walk." Tad said. " But if we find the horses...We can go much faster." Bill said. " We don't have let's go!!" Tad yelled. I sighed and grabbed Bills hand and smiled at him. He smiled back and intertwined our hands together. " Lets just get this over with." I said. He nodded and we followed Tad who was waiting by a tree, tapping his foot repeatedly. " Can you two go any slower?" he said. We then started to walk in the forest. " Wait if your a demon can't you just poof us to the top?" I asked. " Oh yeah I forgot about that." Tad said. " Wait...your saying we had those three days of riding those horses...and you could've just poofed us here!!" Bill yelled. " Yeah..that's exactly what I'm saying." Tad said. " Talk about wasting time." Bill mumbled to me. I held back a chuckle and said " Well can you do it?" I asked. Tad chuckled and snapped his fingers. I looked around and saw that we were in front of the opening to the cave. " Here we are." Tad said. We walked into the blackness, I couldn't see anything until I saw this orange light. When we got there...I wasn't expecting to see what was here in front of me.

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