Chapter 8

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" Bro hold still!" Mabel yelled at me. " Sorry at least I'm not tugging on your hair." I said. Mabel was trying to straighten my hair by putting her comb through it, pulling at my roots during the process. " Well your hair is to curly!! I give up!!" she yelled. She was wearing a light pink dress that had a small bow around her waist. Her hair was up in a bun and she was wearing red lipstick. " Mabel my hair is fine! I like it like this it covers up my birthmark." I said. " Ok." she said. That's when we heard a knock on the front door. I groaned and asked in a harsh tone " Did you invite your friends?" " No." Mabel said. I got up and walked to the door and opened it to find a man in a tux and a long white mustache. "Is this the Pines residence?" he asked. " Yes." I said. " Your carriage is here to pick you guys up." he said moving away from the door to show me a white and gold carriage with beautiful brown horses. " Did I hear carriage?" Mabel asked coming up behind me. " Eeeeeeeee!!!"Mabel squealed. " Mabel please you sound like a pig." I said. That's when I felt her punch me and I rubbed my arm and glared at her. We walked out and into the already opened carriage and sat down. " I can't believe we are in the carriage where the King and the Prince sat!!" Mabel squealed. I raised my eyebrow and rolled my eyes. " What?.. I'm probably never going to sit here again...but I know you will!!" she said. I felt my face get hot and I quickly looked out the window, seeing the green trees and bushes. " How long is the trip to the palace anyway?" I asked. Mabel shrugged and said " I hear it takes about 30 minutes." I groaned and rubbed my forehead." What've been on longer trips than this Dipper." Mabel said. " I know but I never felt so anxious." I admitted. "Ooooooooh that's because your in love.....DIPPERS IN LOVE....DIPPERS IN LOVE!!!!" Mabel yelled. " Shhhh Mabel are you trying to give me a headache?" I asked sarcastically. "Yep..a headache for love." she replied. " That doesn't even make sense Mabel." I said. " Yeah it does!" she said. " We are here." I heard a voice say next to me. I looked and saw the same mustache guy but this time he had bright purple eyes. " Uhhhh!!" I said not feeling comfortable. That's when he winked at me and opened the door. " We're finally here!!" Mabel squealed. I looked around and saw a lot of people. There was woman wearing fancy clothing and men with really big mustaches. " Bill really knows how to throw a party." I said sarcastically. " Bro it might be better inside." Mabel said. I sighed and followed her in.
"There's so many people!!" Will said excitedly. We were sitting on our thrones watching people come in and either talk to each other or head towards the food table. " When will the music begin?" Will asked." After we get introduced." I said. He was saying something but I didn't hear him because all my attention was on the boy that walked in. Dipper. He was wearing a tux and his bangs were curly. He looks different without his hat. " Hello Bill....are you even listening to me?" I heard Will ask. I snapped out of my trance and looked at him with a smile. "Yeah." I said. He scoffed and rolled his eyes. " You were looking at Dipper weren't you?" he asked. " No I at the looks delicious." I said. " Mhmmm sure... Anyway Marcus is about to introduce us." he said. I looked over and sure enough Marcus was giving us this get up now look. We stood up and Marcus cleared his throat. " Ladies and gentlemen..I would like to introduce the young princes that planned this ball...Prince Bill Cipher and his younger brother..Prince William Cipher." he said. We bowed as everyone clapped. " Now let the music begin!!" Marcus said bowing and moving away. That's when the music started and me and Will walked down the small set of stairs that gets to the dance floor. I moved my way through the dancing couples and little children and found Dipper next to the punch bowl. I tapped his shoulder and said " Pine tree you do know your butt looks great on this tux right?" I saw him blush and said " Hi Bill." " Your not going to compliment me?" I asked as I pouted." Um you look good?" he asked. " You said it like a question Pinetree." I said. " No I didn't." he said. I laughed and put my arm around his shoulder and asked " How's the ball going for you?" " Well I just got here and I'm bored." he answered. I smirked and got close to his ear and whispered " Well I'm planning something special tonight and trust's not going to be boring." I made sure to lick his ear and looked at him. He was really red and he was shuffling his feet. " Um is there a bathroom?" he asked. " No I pee in the kitchen....of course theres a bathroom...follow me." I said. I turned on my heel and walked through the crown and into the small hallway that leads to the bathroom. Once I opened the bathroom door I held it open for Dipper. " Mlady." I said. He blushed and walked in and I closed the door behind me. This is going to go well.

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