Chapter 4: Leo Has Terrible Ideas POV: Annabeth

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He stares at the wall. Clearly yearning to do anything else than deliver the whatever news he wants to tell me. "I uh- I was asked to go on another quest." Percy informs me. We are sitting on his bed. "Oh, when do you have to leave?" I asked. I wasn't surprised he was summoned on another quest just upset it had to be so soon. Percy hadn't even been at camp for two months yet. "In a week." he sighs. "Why do the gods need you this time." "The usual, retrieving objects for them, stuff like that." he answers. "Well I suppose we must just make the most of the limited time we have together. I can see if we could try to coordinate the reunion between the nine of us before you have to go on your quest." I suggest. "I'd like that." smiles Percy.

"I can't believer we actually got this to work." I say surprised at seeing the nine of us hanging out with each other again.  "I'm not, if anyone could pull this off its you Wise Girl." Percy compliments. "As much as I ship you two please, save the flirting for later." Piper jokes. "So whatcha been up to Percy?" Frank asks. "Nothing much, just a lot of questing for the gods, you know the usual." Percy replies, cockily. "Ok well are we just going to talk or are we going to have some fun?" Leo yells. "Cuz if we are going to have fun I have a game we can play."

"The games truth or dare, I assume you all have played it before." Leo states. "Why did I agree to this?" Reyna mutters. "Because we are amazingly awesome."Leo jokes. Reyna gives Leo a glare in reply. "Okay, well anyways I'll go first; Jason truth or dare?"  "Uhh truth." "What was your first impression of Percy?" Leo asks, obviously happy with his question. "Honestly, I thought of Percy as a glorified trouble maker who just got lucky. I mean, here I am praetor of Camp Jupiter who started off labeled in outsider and had to work extremely hard to earn my title. I wasn't exactly one to be impressed easily." Jason nervously spits out. The look on Percy's face was one that I could never forget. It was a mix of deadly extreme rage and betrayal. "What did you just say?"He managed to get out. "Listen Percy, its nothing personal. Obviously I don't feel the same way now." "It doesn't matter!" Percy snaps back. "Percy listen, calm down, Jason didn't mean to offend you." I try soothing him. "He already did. Do you know how many  times I've had to prove myself? COUNTLESS TIMES!" Percy starts screaming. "I started off as a nobody as well Jason, an outcast, a scrawny 12 year old boy that got bullied at school and at home. So don't play the I came from no where card." My boyfriend then abruptly gets up and storms out of the room.

  Jason starts getting up but I stop him. "Jason just give him some space okay? It's nothing personal he's just mad with the gods for making him go on another quest." Jason nods though I can tell he still feel guilty. "I'll go find him, you guys continue, hopefully we'll be back soon." I walk out of the room, knowing exactly where he stormed off to. Once I arrive at the beach I sit myself down besides him. "Seaweed Brain listen Jason didn't mean what he said. Trust me he feels extremely guilty." He inhales a deep breath. "I understand that but it hurts to be called and as I quote a glorified trouble maker who just got lucky. It's just irritating that no matter how much chores I do for the gods I am still not completely appreciated and that my help isn't always completely acknowledged." "Percy, I see what you mean, I can relate however lashing out at Jason won't solve anything. I think you should apologize and make up with Jason. I mean you are going to go away on a quest pretty soon, do you really want those to be your last words to Jason before you go?" "I suppose your right. I'll reconcile with Jason." Seaweed Brain then gets up and does what I've always known I could count on him to do, be loyal to his friends.

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