Chapter 20: My World Comes Crashing Down POV: Percy

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"You're, you're lying! I never had a daughter." I shout, as a feeling of numbness comes crashing down on top of me. "Yes you did Percy. Why do you think Annabeth, my mom, wanted to talk to you right before her death? Trust me it wasn't just because she missed you dearly. It was because she had me." The girl that claims to be my daughter responds. "You realize that to have a children you have to be pregnant right, and call me crazy, but I think I would have noticed and remembered if Annabeth was pregnant." I say as I laugh a bit like a manic. "Not necessarily, Dad , gods, you lived in a world full of gods, for goodness sake you are a god, so you should know that in some instances, the unnatural can occur. And in that case it was Athena, blessing Annabeth with a child by giving me to her, much like Athena did with all her children." "Do not call me "Dad"!" I growl. "I am not your father." "Fine, Percy, you can be in denial all you want, but will eventually have to come to the terms that I am in fact your daughter. Do you have a better explanation as to why I'm the only demigod to inherit Poseidon's powers in 15 years, how I look exactly like your deceased girlfriend, or how you cannot harm me?" Gods, I think, If she is my daughter she is just as stubborn and sensible as her mother

 "Even if you are my daughter, how did I never even know about you? And how do you even know about your mother?" I ask, finally realizing that she, in fact, has a point. "Chiron hid me all those years and trained me. When Annabeth received me and realized that you were not going to be there for a couple of hours, she told Chiron and showed me to him. When mom died, and you feel under a spell of depression, Chiron did not think that telling you that you had a child would be the best and decided to hide me. Once you left camp, I began to train and once you began your dictatorship, I kept on the down low until Chiron thought I was ready to take a stand against you." She explains

"This is absurd! Surely Chiron would not be cruel enough to keep my own child hidden from me." I respond back, denial quickly returning. "We can all be crueler than we think we are capable of being," she says, "If you don't want to believe me fine, but at least look at me in the eyes, tell me you do not see Annabeth when you look at me." I follow her command and look in her eyes so I could prove her wrong, however when I look into her eyes memories of Annabeth flood my mind. I remember our first encounter all those years ago, our first kiss, when she finally found me after all those months that I went missing thanks to Hera, and finally, when I looked into her eyes for the last time. Feelings of raw grief start to consume me. 

"F-fine, you are my daughter, but what are you going to do now?" I ask. "Honestly, not too sure, but I suppose that we have lots to talk about." "Like?" "Oh I don't know, why you decided to go all dark and enslave the gods." "Before we talk about that, I at least need to know your name." I say "Its Charlie, after a certain son of Hephaestus." "Charlie, gods I didn't even know I had a child for 15 years." I start to shout. "15 years, and I didn't know you existed! It's all because of my greed." I start crying at this point, due to a mix of raw grief for Annabeth as well as anger that my actions allowed me to never know my daughter. Once I recover I say "Sorry." "It's fine," Charlie replies, "but can you at least tell me a bit about yourself?" "Ok fine, but its a long story so can I get you something to eat or drink?" "Sure do you have any blue cookies." "Yes, I always have some blue cookies." I smile. 

 "You know Perc-" "Dad" I correct her. "Dad, from what Chiron told me about you from before and from talking to you now, you honestly seem like a genuinely nice person. My question is, how did you become the person that others see, the dark Percy." Charlie asks me. "You know, in the back of my mind, I've been asking myself that question for the past 10 years. I have never gotten the answer to that, until today. I think it'snbecause I never allowed myself to grief properly over your mother, I just I loved her too much to accept the fact that she was gone. I think I always need something to distract my mind with. " "What was my mother like, I mean I've heard stuff about her from Chiron, but  I want to hear about her from you." "Ok, well your mother was an extremely tough demigod, and much like you, she was a fighter. She had a witty sense of humor and was well, a genius. Your mother was a true leader, but above all she was my best friend." "I wish I could have met her." Charlie says. "I do too, I do too." I reply.



Sorry this was so long and had a lot of dialogue but I think that it was defiantly needed. Anyways, this book is coming to an end soon, but comment if you think there should be a second book in the series. If not I comment other book ideas that you would like me to do.

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