Chapter 11: Afterlife POV:Percy

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I see all white. Shouldn't I be in the underworld? the thought passes my mind. Nope Percy, that is only if your plan failed, and it didn't. "PERCY JACKSON!" a voice who I know is Zeus booms. Instantly I am popped into the Olympian throne room. "You called upon me lord Zeus?" I bow. "Percy, you remember the time I offered you immortality after the defeat of Kronos right?" I nod. "I usually do not offer immortality twice however given the favors you've done for the gods such as fighting in two wars and establishing Camp Riptide, we have decided to offer you this one last time. Do you accept Percy?" "Yes, yes my lord. Thank you for the offer, I promise I will continue to contribute and help the gods as much as I can." "Very well Perseus, come here." I walk over and Zeus places his hands in front of me. "I, Zeus, lord of the world, grant Perseus Jackson immortality. Does everyone agree?" Every god in the room shakes their head in approval. "Very well, Percy Jackson do you accept immortality?" "Yes." A sudden sensation overtakes my body. It feels as though all my troubles have been lifted and leaves me with a feeling of invincibility. "I present to you, Perseus Jackson, god of loyalty!"

"Percy." a huge crowd of people kneel before me. "Reyna, long time no see." I have decided that the easiest way to make my plan happen is to get friendly with all the camps. I had stopped at Camp Riptide before since it was essentially my patron camp. "I guess I could say the same to you. What brings you here Percy?" Well you know that I am a now a god and I made a promise to myself that I will keep in touch with all demigods, regardless of what camp they are from. I would like to speak with you, Praetor Zhang and Hazel please." "As you wish."

"Long time no see Perc. It's been quite a long time hasn't it." says Frank who is barely recognizable compared to the first time I met him. Frank has gotten even more buffed out and has a mustache. His face is now one that a good leader has; confident and protective. I guess I shouldn't be talking though, I mean my appearance has changed as well. I have not gotten as buff as Frank however I am pretty fit. My hairs is a bit longer and shaggier than I had it the last time I saw him and I now have a thin beard. "Around 15 years I believe." "Why didn't you visit Percy? We, we missed you." Asks Hazel. She, has grown up a lot as well. "Busy, you know? I mean I was very content at Camp Half-blood and uh, well after Annabeth's death I decided to make another camp." "We uh- we are sorry for your lost." Frank replies. "Thanks. I know its crazy but even with me being a god there is not a day that goes by that I don't think about her." "It's not crazy, she was a strong hero." Reyna, who has just listened to a majority of the conversation, adds. "Enough about me, tell me how you guys are doing." Frank and Reyna explain how the camp has become a bit more lax due to the lack of prophecies. "Well it's been good seeing you guys again, I will hopefully visit soon." "Where are you heading off to?" Frank asks. "Camp Half-Blood." I reply

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