Chapter 16: Making My Claim POV :Percy

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 "Attention all demigods of Camp Riptide!" I yell. "I Percy Jackson have gotten rid of the horrible beings that were the Olympians! A new era is to come now. One in which I will now rule the universe. I, however will not use you to do my dirty business like the Olympians did. My rule will be one in which you can do whatever you please as long as you do what I tell you which will be somewhat often." I announce. "And what if we don't do what you tell us? Huh?" A  camper recklessly asks. "Well in that case I'll simply kill you." I smile. "Ok 'sure'" The camper responds. "You don't believe me" I ask. "Nope." Fool! I think. "Well maybe this will change your mind." And with that statement I quickly do what I did to a goddess so long ago, I cut off the fluids in his body and sure enough he quickly falls down dead. "Let that be a warning to all of you not to cross or doubt me. I shall return soon." And I disappear.

 I go off to Camp Jupiter and deliver the same message however I receive a bit more resistance though I expected this. "Settle them down Reyna." I command. "Or else things won't end well for them." "Why should I?" Reyna asks coldly. "It will end badly for them either way if you become ruler." She gives me an icy glare. "Reyna" I start, making my voice less emotion and more commanding. "You can become an adviser of me, you can assist me in ruling the universe. I give this offer to few people, you being one of them. If you settle them down I will take that you accept this offer, if not I have no choice but to kill you." "Percy you didn't have to go down this path for power. You could have been a great ruler without losing all the great traits about you. Maybe I would have accepted the offer you give me  if you were the Percy that I met over the courses of the war with Gaea however you are not that Percy now, so I decline." She spits at me. "Reyna you were always stubborn however I did not make you out to be a fool but alas your stubbornness will come to be your downfall. You see no matter if you were my friend or an excellent leader I can't allow a person that insults me like that in front of so many people live. " I start cutting off the fluids in her body however I do so much slower than I did the the idiotic Camp Riptide boy. I make it much slower and much more painful, hoping to see weakness in the leader of New Rome's last moments of life however Reyna just stands there, pain in her eyes, yet looking me in the eye defiantly. "No pleading for your life? No begging for mercy? If you weren't so arrogant Reyna I would have some respect for you." "Y-you're the arrogant one Percy, and in the end I only hope you can learn to forgive yourself." And with that statement she falls over, dead.

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