Chapter 5: Partings POV: Annabeth

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 "Com'on Wise Girl, lighten up a bit, will ya?" Percy complains as he drags me to the strawberry field. "Percy... I should be working on Capture the Flag strats for next week." "I thought we could spent some quality time together." Percy explains. "I have to go tomorrow anyways which leaves you plenty of distraction free days before the game." "I don't consider you a distraction. More like a temptation." "Wow you really know how to make a guy feel good about himself." Percy teases. "If you wanted someone to flatter you, you should've picked an Aphrodite girl." "But Aphrodite girls aren't don't have the cute smile you get when you conjure up the most complex plan of the century."If that was your plan to get me to skip my duties for the rest of the day, I'm afraid it worked." I sigh.  Only Percy could get me to do such an illogical action and skip duties. "So what do you want to do Seaweed Brain, now that you have my full undivided attention?" "I was thinking of just talking, I miss being able to take these times for granted." Percy responds. "I know, I know, it seems nothing that involves the gods doesn't involve us, you with your quests and me with having to help them every once in a while with an issue." "Certainly, I definitely suspect that the fates really like seeing us struggle with the godly side of the family." Percy laughs. "So did you make up with Jason?" I ask. "Yeah, he was cool, he understood I was just a bit aggravated at some other things and that it really had nothing to do with him." "Sometimes I swear that boy can't not act perfect, not even for one second." I joke. "I was thinking the same thing." Laughs Percy. We spent a majority of the day in the Strawberry Fields talking and making each other laugh.

 Dinner that night for me was overshadowed with a sad atmosphere since right after that I knew Percy would have to head out. He was going to visit his mother and stay over her house for the night then head out for his journey in the morning. Luckily we were allowed to sit next  to each other and for once I had all the space in the world since we were at Percy's table. Before I know it dinner is finished and it is time to say goodbye to Percy. Seaweed Brain and I get up, Jason and Piper trailing close behind. We walk up to the camp boundary, the farthest I can go before I have to let Percy face whatever lies ahead for him. "Guys do you mind giving Annabeth and I a moment?" Percy asks our friends. "No, not at all." Jason replies. I swear to gods I heard Piper mutter something that sounded like 'opt'. "I can't believe I have to say goodbye again already." I say tearing up. Percy, moving a loose hair strand back to its place, comforts me and quietly whispers "I know, I know, but don't cry. This distraction will be back before you know it. Making sure to persuade you to skip your duties." There's Percy for you. Being able to comfort me and be funny at the same time. "Is there anytime you can be serious?" I pretend to be annoyed. "Nope!" He hugs me. and whispers "I love you Annabeth and I always will, remember that, no matter what happens, no matter what changes, just remember my love for you is eternal." "I-I love you too Seaweed Brain." I manage to choke out before I find a tear running down my face. "Now, now, surely my departure isn't big enough to make the fearless and ruthless Annabeth Chase cry, now is it?" Percy asks, making this goodbye even harder than it already was. "Shut up." I affectionally punch his arm. "Well I should be going now unless I want to get to my mom's at 2:00 a.m. in the morning. Bye Wise Girl, remember to iris message me or call me frequently." "Don't worry I will." 

 And with that the boy who I could always count on from the age of 12 went out of my sight. If I had know this would be the very last time I would see Percy in person perhaps my last couple of words would've been more meaningful that "Shut up" and "Don't worry I will" But like everything else in life you can never know when something will start and another thing will end, it happens suddenly and is unpredictable. Your time is simply up once the fates decide that the strand of yarn that represents your lifetime has lasted to long and decides to cut it. With a simple action your life can end and there's nothing you can do other than enjoy the amount of time you have before the yarn is cut.

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