Chapter 12: Back At Home POV:Percy

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 "Chiron, its good seeing you." I say to my old trainer and mentor. "As to you Percy, I'm glad you were able to accomplish so much, even without being here." "Well, I was only taught by the best." I smile. "Anyways should we announce your presence at dinner Percy?" "Uhh, yeah, that'd be great." "In the meantime, feel free to settle down in Cabin 22, your cabin." Chiron smiles. "Ok, cool." I head off looking forward to seeing what my cabin looks like.

 Seeing my cabin feels like a surreal experience. It's blue and looks very much like my father's. The one difference is that my color's are apparently blue and purple. Interesting choice, I note.  I quickly unpack my bags and get ready to go to the dinning hall.

  "ATTENTION ALL DEMIGODS!" Chiron yells. "Tonight, we have a special guest among us. Someone a few of you got to know very well." Whispers emerge, everyone wondering who the special visitor is. "I would like you guys to give a warm welcome to the god of loyalty; Percy Jackson!" I walk over toward Chiron and a huge amount of applauds and cheers erupt. "Greetings campers," Someone interrupts me."Please tell me this is not real. Percy Jackson, THE Percy Jackson, is here in front of me, god and all and the only thing that surprises me is that he starts off by saying "greetings" I look around and not to my surprise, the culprit that interrupted me was the one and only Leo Valdez.  "Of course, the great Leo Valdez dares to interrupt me, even as a god. So, yo Valdez you mind if I sit with you?" "Do a have a choice?" "Nope" I grin as I walk over toward him. I take a seat next to Leo  whose sitting with Piper, Jason, and Nico. "Hey guys." I can clearly feel the tension that has gotten no better if not worse from the last time I spoke to them. "So guys, whatcha been up to in the last 10 years?" I ask, playing around with them.  "Oh, uh, nothing much. Pipes and I, have uh- got married." Jason stutters, clearly feeling awkward. "Congrats guys." I say as causally as I can. "So whats been up with you Percy?" Piper asks. "Oh, nothing much. You know I made my own camp, died, became a god. The usual." I joke. The three of them give me looks that are a mix between "seriously?" and "why are you talking about dying so casually?" "I'm kidding, I'm kidding." They all ease up a bit. "So....Percy are you going to join us in a game of Capture the Flag?" "Heck ya! Did you even have to ask?"

  "Jason, Jason, man we really got to stop meeting like this." I say as I knock his sword out of his hand. "Shut up." Jason smiles. "Still haven't work on trying to keep the sword in your hand." I joke again. "We won!" Piper shouts. "Maybe we should have a god on our side more often." 

     As I'm falling asleep in my cabin, I can hear voices outside who I identify as Piper and Jason. "I don't like him being here." Piper whispers. "I know, I know." "And I absolutely hate him being a god." You've never changed Piper have you eh? Well because of your stupidity, Camp Half-blood will be the first to go.

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