Chapter 3

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Sabrina POV
After dinner, which I promptly excused myself from after finding out the real contents, Puck came barging into my room. I yelped and pulled my pajama shirt the rest of the way down. He didn't seem to notice and just plopped down on my bed with a smirk on his face.
"Don't you ever knock?" I grumbled, pulling my hair into a bun.
"That would take away the surprise." He said matter of factly.
"Yeah, but then you wouldn't walk in on someone when they're changing." He face went red and I started laughing.
"Sorry" he said really softly.
"What was that?" I piped up. "Did the trickster king just apologize?"
"No" he said quickly, but was still blushing. I plopped down next to him and propped myself up on my elbow, facing him.
"So what do you want?" He turned towards me.
"I was bored and figured annoying you was a good way as any to get past that."
"Fair enough." I replied. I was too tired to deal with him so I just turned the other way and snuggle up under my covers. I was trying to fall asleep when I felt Puck move closer. He leaned over me to check if I was asleep and as soon as he was close enough I popped open my eyes and yelled "BOO!" He shot back, surprise written all over his face and fell off the bed. I burst out laughing as he peeled himself off the floor.
"That wasn't funny." He said angrily as he rubbed his back where he had hit the floor.
"Oh on the contrary, Faerie boy, your face was to die for!" I said, struggling through the sentence as I laughed.
"Well good, cause that's what's gonna happen." He said, smirking, and lunged at me. I squealed as he landed almost on top of me and started tickling me. I squirmed and laughed until I had begun running out of breath.
"Stop, stop!" I yelp, through my giggles.
"But this is fun!" He remarks, laughing along with me. Suddenly I lurch sideways towards him and straddle him, sending a smirk his way. His eyes widened as I scanned over him. Then it came back to me, I knew exactly how to get him. I went for just under his rib cage along the sides of his body and he yelped. I laughed in triumph as he wriggled around under me.
"How you like me now?" I said laughing. He wiggled out from under me and then it was my turn again.
"Oh no" I breathed and took off out my door. He chased me into the living room which was surprisingly empty and caught me again. He pulled me toward him backward, his hands around my waist, and tickled me again. I doubled over laughing and fell into the floor. I squealed again as I tried to get away from him. He caught me again and again I escaped, this time running back up to my room. I got in a closed the door, realizing that there was no lock I leaned against it and soon felt the push of someone on the other side.
"Grimm! Let me in!!" I heard Puck demand from the other side.
"No!" I shouted back though my giggles.
"Then I'll puff, and I'll huff, and I'll blow your door down!" He began making airy noises and I opened the door, like an idiot.
"That's not how it goes." I said, still giggling. He charged forward and threw me over his shoulder. I screamed as he tossed me onto the bed and pounced again. He tickled me until he was too tired to continue. He plopped over into the other side of the bed, breathing heavily. I fought to catch my breath and then sighed in relief as I saw him drift off. This is perfect, I thought. That was a lot of fun. Giggling at my own thoughts I laid down next to him and fell asleep, the whole house was quiet for the rest of the night after my mother and father went to bed. It was nice and quiet and peaceful.

Puck POV
I woke up turned over to the other side of my bed- except it wasn't. I shifted over and came face to face with a sleeping Grimm. I jumped a little but then realized I was on top of the covers and still fully clothed. Oh thank god. I thought. I looked at her and the memory of last night came back to me. I had fallen asleep on her bed after tickling her for about an hour. No wonder I'm still so tired. I snapped back to reality and met Grimm's groggy eyes as she slowly opened them. She met my gaze for a second and then jumped back about an inch.
"Puck!" She yelled, then clamped a hand over her mouth. "What are you doing here???" She demanded and I smirked at her confused-ness. That's probably a word.
"You don't remember?" I watched as her face went from one of complete surprise to understanding.
"Oh" she said and then turned over and went back to sleep. I chuckled to myself. As she turned over her curled bounced up and down and it looked very inviting. I played with her curls, pulling one down and letting it bounce back up to join the others. I laughed at her expression as she turned back over.
"I'm trying to sleep." She said, trying to glare but smiling slightly. I noticed our faces were a lot closer now and I sat up on the bed.
"Fine, I'll go. We wouldn't want the others to get the wrong idea anyway." I said, turning away from her I started towards the door I looked in the mirror and saw her reflection behind me. She opened her mouth to say something but then closed it again. Her eyes didn't seem as playful as they had before. I opened the door and she turned back over and went to sleep.
I hope you guys are liking the revised "edition" better than the last, I certainly am. Not to toot my own horn but I love that tickle fight scene. It was adorable.
Anyway, I love feedback, votes, and any comment ever so feel free. Thanks!

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