Chapter 7

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Sabrina POV
I closed the door behind me and pushed my back up against it. Sliding down, my thoughts began to wander. "Oh please, you're everyone's type." I smiled at the thought but then remembered that he took it back. Oh well, he still complimented me, even if it was on accident. I thought, focusing on the positive. I don't know, maybe Gray's words were getting to me. I didn't like Puck, he was smelly and disgusting, and he was probably dating that cheerleader. I frowned at the thought then for up off of the floor. I got under the covers and pulled them over my cold shoulders, falling asleep.
I woke up to granny banging on a metal pot. Okay. Yes, it was in the other room but if that wasn't getting Daphne up I don't know what will. I used this opportunity to start getting ready for school and pulled on some jeans and a fitted Tshirt, compete with an oversized, unbuttoned flannel as a sweater. I pulled my hair up into a sloppy ponytail and slipped on my sneakers before opening my door. I came face to face with Puck, who had been standing outside my door. He looked about as surprised to see me and I was him. "What are you doing?" I demanded and he stood up straighter, hiding something behind is back. "Nothing." "okay." I shrugged him off and started towards the stairs before lunging at the item in his hand behind his back, I got it away from him before he even knew what was happening. It was a bottle of glue. "Seriously? What were you even gonna do with this?" "It doesn't matter. It won't work now." I scoffed, "I thought you were done with this stuff. We're all getting tired of it." He scowled, "well after last night with your new boyfriend I decided to get back at you." "For what? Hanging out with Gray?" "No!" He said, blushing slightly. "Why do you even care? Aren't you dating that cheerleader?" He looked down at the floor shamefully. "So what if I am, you jealous?" I scrunched up my nose. "Eeww no, who could I be jealous of her? Send her my condolences though." He scowled at me. "And send mine to that Gray character." I let out an exasperated sigh, "For gods sake, Puck, he's not my boyfriend. He's gay! Homosexual!I thought you could of figured this out  after he checked you out." "Oh..."he said, his focus shifting to his feet as his cheeks grew red. "Ugh, get over yourself." I said finally, then stomped down the stairs to breakfast.
I barely talked to Puck on the way to school, he was being all fickle and I decided I would just let him work out his problems on his own before getting back into the groove of things. We got to school and he immediately sought out that cheerleader from earlier, which, for some reason, kind of got to me. I went to class and sat in a seat away from my usual, which was next to him, and did my work.

At lunch I sat with my friends and ate. They were all talking but I was too engrossed in my sandwich to care. "Oh please, we all know he did it for Sabrina. The girl was crying her eyes out and Puck wasn't even phased." I looked up from my lunch and the others burst out laughing. "Figures, that would be what caught her attention." I swallowed my food and spoke up. "It's cause I heard my name. But did he really break up with that cheerleader?" They nodded and I heard Bella whisper, " I ship it."
I sent her a glare and then glanced over at Pucks table. He wasn't there and I was slightly confused, then I felt something rise in my throat and I clutched my stomach, running out of the cafeteria and into the bathroom.
After spending a good 10 minutes picking up my insides I managed to call Granny and she came to pick me up.


"I guess something is going around." She said as we got to the house. "Huh?" "You and Puck have both come down with something today, he came home earlier." I sighed. I was too tired to put up with this right now. I asked granny for a cup of tea and then brought it up to my room and laid down. I had curled up in my blankets when someone knocked on my door. "Come in." I grumbled in walked Puck. He started laughing at me and muttered something unintelligible. "What was that?" "I said you're so predictable" I raised my eyebrow at him and he started chuckling. "I put epicac in your sandwich, and it worked! I knew you'd come home sick so I got here and waited. I glared at him and then flipped over into my side and burrows my head into my pillows. "Jerk"
I felt him sit next to me and turned to see him sitting criss cross on  my bed. "I did it because we need to talk." Groaning I shifted over and sat up again, "what about?" He caught my eye and I gave him a weird look as he kept his gaze fixes on me. "This isn't working." My eyebrow raised and I motioned for him to keep taking. "Yeah, no, this isn't gonna work. Never mind," he got up to leave but I grabbed his wrist and sat him back down. "That's not fair, you can't say that and then not tell me what you mean." His eyes gleamed as he realized this was gonna bug me and then stood up again. "I just did."

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