Chapter 9

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Sabrina POV
"Puck? Sabrina? I'm home leiblings, and I brought Daphne." I groaned and tried to turn over when I realized I was still constricted by Puck. I soon heard footsteps and my eyes popped open as the door creaked open.
They were gonna see Puck sleeping with me! Okay eww, not like that, but still.
I grabbed his shoulders and shook him as hard as I could trying to wake him. He woke with a loud groan and I clamped my hand over his mouth to shut him up. He looked at me weird and I signaled at him to be quiet. I froze as I heard the door creak open and then I shoved Puck into the floor and ducked under my covers in one swift motion.
After a few seconds of silence I peeked out from under my covers to see Puck standing there with a very angry expression on his face.
"What the hell was that for?" He nearly shouted and I cringed at his volume.
"Shut up! Granny is home with Daphne, don't let them know you're in here." He looked at me weird and then burst out laughing. I raised my eyebrow at him and he just shook his head at me, nearly in tears. "What?"
"Grimm, I totally forgot I told her about this. No, but the old lady already knows I'm in here, she just doesn't know I didn't actually go through with it." Both our eyes went wide as he finished the sentence and I sat up straight. "Grimm..." He trailed off as I got out of my bed and made my way towards him. "Grimm, don't do it." He said backing away. "Don't" he said again an I gained on him even more.
He saw it, and I felt it, as my eye twinkled when I got close enough to him.
Our faces were inches apart when I asked, "didn't go through with what?"
"Right, so, I'm just gonna go now." And with that he dashed out the door and down the hallway. "PUCK" I yelled after him and dashed after him, determined to get my answer.
"Okay calm down Grimm, we can talk this out." I held his own wooden sword at his throat and held him pinned against a tree. I tightened my grip and he flinched. "Grimm!" The red died down from my eyes and I pulled the sword away, still pinning him.
"Didn't follow through with what, Fairy boy?" He sighed and then started to say something.
"Look, it's not that big of a deal I just-" and with that he kneed me in the stomach. I doubled back clutching it and he flew up into the air, just out of reach. I glared up at him and he smirked.
"You suck!" I yelled up at him and he laughed.
"Catch me if you can!" He yelled and, let me tell you, I definitely tried.
I paused and flopped down on his trampoline bed watching him fly and do loops above me. Suddenly a brilliant idea popped into my head. I jumped up and ran towards the door hearing puck behind me.
"Where you going princess? The prize is over here!" "If you won't tell me I know someone who will!" I called back, still running, and I could feel his eyes widen. I was two feet from the door and reaching for the handle when he swooped down in between me and my destination.
"She wouldn't tell you." He stated, obviously worried, and I smirked.
"She would if she thinks you already did." And his face became even more worried. "Now let me past stick pot"
"Not in a million years" he said and flew forward, launching me over his shoulder and carrying me up into the sky.
"PUCK" I screamed and hit and kicked him as much as possible. "PUT ME DOWN!"
"Okay." He said and I immediately regretted my decision. He dropped me and I plummeted, screaming my head off. The wind rushed by me and the ground for closer and closer every second. I screamed one last time and closed my eyes, waiting for the ground but it never came. I opened my eyes carefully and found myself compel eyelet wrapped around Puck, him holding me in his arms. I met his eyes and I saw a softened look in them. He opened him mouth to say sorry and I smacked him across the face. "YOU IMBECILE! I COULD HAVE DIED!" I scrambled out of his arms and turned away, trying to stop the tears from flowing but the shock of that experience got the better of me. A hot tear slid down my face and I could feel a sob rising in my throat. Puck's arms wrapped around me and pulled me into his chest, holding me and I tried to feet a handle on my sobs. Once I had stopped my crying, or at least reduced it to a few hiccups, he pulled me to arms length and wiped away my tears with his thumb. "I really am sorry, I didn't mean to let you fall that far." "Oh? That far?" He chuckled and pulled me into a hug again, hovering slightly and flying me over to the trampoline again.
His arms tightened around me as we sat and I laid my head down on his shoulder, too tired to care what he would think. He wiped away my last tear and met my eyes. "Are you okay Sabrina?" Sabrina? Since when did he? Oh never mind. I grumbled something that sounded like yes and snuggled into his chest, my eyes drifting out towards the waterfall on the other side of his room. We stayed like this, warm and together, until we finally drifted off.

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