Chapter 4

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Puck POV
Daphne decided to sing, all the way to school, again! She's getting on my nerves. I thought, before snapping myself out of it. She's adorable, don't think like that. I looked over at Sabrina and her expression told me she was thinking the same thing. She met my gaze and sent me a pleading look as if to say 'make it stop'. We arrived a little later than we were supposed to and I ruffle the little marshmallow's hair before heading towards my locker. I turn around and find that Sabrina- I mean Grimm- has disappeared. I find her racing off to her locker and chase after her. She leaves right as I catch up with her and a grunt in frustration. I jumped slightly as I hear a voice from behind me. "Hey, Puck. Whatcha been up to?" I turn to find one of the cheerleaders I had made out with the day before standing right behind me. I put on a sly smile and said, "nothing much, babe." Her eyes light up as I said it and we begin walking towards my class. I swung my arm over her shoulders and feel her press into me. We walk like this until we get to my homeroom.
"This is my stop," I say coyly and wink as I turn away and enter the classroom. Grimm has her eyes focused intently on her notebook and I slide in next to her. "Hey Grimm"
"Hi" she grunts back.
"Woah! What's up with you?" She sighs and opens her mouth to talk before closing it again. She opens it again and finally says something.
"Nothing, I'm just not feeling great." She was practically fuming and I had no idea why.
"Alright" I say suspiciously. We walk to first period after the bell rings and she sits next to a girl across the room. They exchanged words and shook hands and as I watched someone sat next to me. I turned around to see who it was and it was one of the jocks.
"Name's Brent. You new?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm Puck." He smiles slightly and holdout a hand.
"Nice to meet you Puck, say, you play foot ball?" I nod and he smiles again. "Come to try outs tomorrow and we'll see what you're made of."
"Alrighty. I'll be there." We spent the rest of the period talking about sports and the school and begin to become pretty good friends. He invited me to sit with him at lunch so I could eat instead of being bombarded by cheerleaders. I looked over at Grimm every once and a while and eventually caught her gaze. I sent her a puzzled look and she just shook it off, still mad as ever. I sighed and went back to the work on my sandwich until the bell rang for next period. I shook hands with Brent and headed towards next period, meeting up with the cheerleader from before along the way. I glance back and saw Grimm looking at us. She immediately looks away but practically has smoke coming out of her ears. Is she jealous? I shook off the thought, secretly smiling, and went back to the cheerleader I currently had my arm around. She was chatting away but I had a pretty good view of her cans because of her freshly adjusted v neck shirt. This is the life.
Sabrina POV
I invited a new friend to sit with my friends and I for lunch. "Becca, meet Bella and Stephanie. Stephanie and Bella, meet Becca." I said as we sat down. They smiled and pointed out who was who as I dug into my sandwich.
"You're so lucky" Stephanie mumbled, "I have to eat this shitty cafeteria food." I laughed at her remark and continue eating my homemade lunch, faking groans of pleasure to show her how good my sandwich was. She glared at me before starting up a conversation. They talked about boys for a while as I ate and listened in.
"So, Brina, do you like Puck?" I nearly choked on my bite and had to force it down before responding.
"Excuse me?" Bella laughed and turned toward Becca, I saw her pointing out Puck across the cafeteria, who was too busy laughing away with his new jock friends to notice.
"Oh, that was the boy you were glaring at all first period." Becca said, then slapped her hand over her mouth in surprise. Bella and Stephanie turned to face me, eyebrows raised. I looked at Becca giving her a 'seriously?' look, which she responded to by mouthing 'sorry' back to me.
I sighed, "It was nothing, he was just a pain this morning." This time is was Becca's turn to raise her eyebrows. Stephanie took to explaining our situation as Bella bombarded me with questions. She moved on from one to another without leaving any space for me to answer, not that I would but I couldn't anyway. I sigh in frustration and shove another bite of sandwich into my mouth, signaling to Bella that I couldn't answer.
She glared at me and huffed out, "fine, be that way." I looked over at Puck again and saw him with that same cheerleader from earlier, sitting in his lap. He was flirting up a storm. I felt a fire rise up in my throat and I wanted to scream. I held in down and stuffed another bite of sandwich into my mouth. I got a weird look from the others and gave them a puzzle expression.
"You're practically murdering that food, Brina." Bella says finally. I look down and see that my food had begun falling apart in between my tightly clenched fingers. I put it down calmly and place it down on the plate again,
"Sorry" I was about to be questioned when the bell rang and I jumped up to throw away my trash and head to the next class. Saved by the bell. I thought and walked through the hallway to my second round of hell before feeling someone grabbing my wrist. I whip around and to my surprise I see Puck standing there.
"What's up with you today?" He asked, looking slightly pissed off but genuinely concerned.
"Nothing" I snap back and yank my arm out of his grip. He looks confused as I storm off to my next class leaving him standing there like an idiot. I get to my next class and sit down next to Becca who had this class with me as well, she smiled at me and we got to work. Snap out of it Sabrina. I thought and dove into my class work, when I was done I started on my homework and finished it before the end of 5th period. Our history teacher gave us another worksheet and I started on that in 6th. I'm gonna be done with my homework before we even get home. I thought, smiling and continued on working.

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