2. Goodbyes

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Me and Roxen are escorted into the town hall. They put me in a room and I don't see where they take him. The room is small the only furniture is a couch. I pace the length of the couch as I wonder what I've just gotten into.

I saved Vixen's life today, but I probably signed my own death warrant. Okay, let's think, what are my skills?

I can climb trees. I'm good with my hands. I've chopped down a dead tree by myself before. I can carry some fairly heavy things. I know what plants I can eat. I have good stamina from working in the fields for long hours. I know how to deal with tracker jackers. I know how to start fires. I can probably build a shelter if I have materials.

What else?

My thoughts are interrupted by the door opening. My family walks in and they all crush me in a hug before I can make a noise.

"How long do we have?" I ask.

"Only a few minutes." My mother is the first to let go and everyone else follows suit.

"I want you to know we're proud of you, that was very brave." Dad gives me a smile.

"You're not mad?" We all pile onto the couch, barely fitting all of us.

Scotch grabs my hand. "You did what you thought was right. Plus, it wouldn't do us any good to be mad."

"Will you guys be okay?"

"We're fine as long as you're fine," Mom says.

A peacekeeper sticks his head in. "You have two minutes."

We all stand. I kneel next to Chester and Trinks. "I'm going away for a little bit," I tell them as I sign the words, Trinks is deaf from an accident in the fields about a year ago, "but you don't have to be scared. I'll... I will see you guys again." Trinks hugs me, but I can tell she doesn't fully understand. Once she let's go Chester crashes into me.

"You're smart sis, you have to try. You're probably smarter than all the other tributes." He sniffles but wipes his tears before they fall. He takes Trinks' hand and guides her away.

Mom pulls me to her. "I love you so much, and I understand if you do what you have to to win. I want you to win, I don't care about the cost. I can't deal with the cost of you not winning."

"Mom." I can barely get the word out.

"I know. You don't have to say it." She lets go and goes to pick up Trinks.

"You've always been the one to look out for others," Dad says as he holds me.

"I didn't want her to die." We don't say anything else, but just hold on to each other for a moment.

He pats my back and goes to Mom. Scotch grabs my shoulders, forcing me to focus on him. "Listen Aldera. You have to be careful when you in the Capitol. The peacekeepers here are strict, you know that, but they're nothing compared to what's in the Capitol. You can't be yourself, you can't talk back, you can't rebel. They will kill you, before you even get in the games."

I nod. "I'll try."

"Do better than try." He hugs me hard. "I love you, sis."

"Love you too." The tears finally fall as he lets go and joins the family by the door. "I love you all."

The peacekeeper opens the door and escorts them out. I sit on the couch and try to calm down. The door opens again and Vixen enters.

"I can't believe you." She embraces me.

"I know, I know, but I figured I had a better chance and you have to help your family." I can barely speak through the tears.

She takes a deep breath. "Thank you, even though you're an idiot."

A laugh escapes me. "Listen, I know I volunteered, but don't waste it. Do something, make a difference."

"And when, and I mean when you get back you can make a difference with me."

"Okay." We keep holding each other until the peacekeeper opens the door.

"I love you, Aldera. You're my best friend."

"You too." And she's gone, with everyone else I love.

I'm left alone for ten minutes which is enough time to stop the waterfall coming out of my eyes. The door opens again and Tullis Madrid walks in, beaming of course.

"Miss Clearwater, time to go."

"Call me Aldera."

"Alright Aldera, let's go to the Capitol."

Thanks for reading this chapter! If you liked it please give it a vote or tell me your thoughts in the comments. I'm really excited for the rest of this book, it's going to be good so keep reading!

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