17. Hope

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We wander around through the seemingly endless maze of canyons for about three hours. Neither Roxen nor I speak the whole time, our thoughts on this last stretch of the competition.

I try not to think about it, but as I do a horrible thought comes to my mind. I could actually win this. I immediately despise myself for this logic. There are still two other tributes left and one is walking right beside me. Roxen has told me again and again that he doesn't want to win, but I can't believe it. He said he would kill himself if it were just me and him, but I don't want it to come to that.

For another awful second I have the thought that Roxen could easily betray me. He could kill me right here or even wait until we've eliminated the other opponent and then over power me. He's easily twice my size and could effortlessly take me down.

I push the thoughts away and focus on my steps. One after the other. Left foot. Right foot.

What would happen if I did win? Would I be welcomed back to 11 a victor or a villain? Would my own family even want me after what I've done? Would they look at me with pity, but think they're hiding it from me.

It will never be the same. I'll never be able to laugh without remembering the times I cried. I'll never be able to run without thinking of the times I've ran for my life. I'll never be able to look at my family and forget about when I thought I'd lost them. I'll never be able to fall in love without reliving the love I almost had.

Roxen taps my shoulder. "We found it," he says.

I look up to see the cornucopia. The sleek metal shines in the sun. Supplies are scattered and rummaged through. Dried blood can still be seen on the ground and the remnants from the explosion dot the area.

"Should we check, make sure no one else is here?" I ask.

Roxen nods and we start in different directions, walking slowly around the pedestals that are still embedded in the rock ground. My eyes scan the ground and walls around me, finding nothing.

Roxen and I meet on the other side and nod to each other before approaching the cornucopia. "Keep an eye out for a tent," I tell him.

We search all around the cornucopia, moving every rock, scouring through every bag, only finding the supplies no one wanted, a tent not among them. I approach Roxen again, biting my lip.

"What are we going to do?" I ask.

"Did your plan absolutely need a tent?"

I think for a moment. "I had one in a cave. It might not be too far."

"That will take too long to search every cave, there's too many."

"Hmm..." It would be best with a tent. My eyes fall on the cornucopia. "We might be able to work this out without it."

"Really?" I nod. "Good. Are you going to tell me the plan now?" he asks.

"Yes." I walk to the mouth of the cornucopia, the vicinity glowing orange with the setting sun. "One of us will hide inside here and the other will be out in the open waiting for the other tribute. When they come the person outside will distract them and signal whoever is in here for a sneak attack. If we both attack at the same time then we should be able to overtake the other tribute." I look back at him.

"Perfect. I'll be the bait incase they kill me before we have the chance to attack. That way you'll be able to see who it is and that they killed me and make a plan from there, maybe even still sneak up on them."

I purse my lips. "I still don't like the sound of that."

"Aldera, I've already accepted my fate. As soon as I was reaped I recognized the fact that I was going to die," he pauses. "I saw you volunteer and I got to know you and I decided the night of the interviews that I would try to help you win, as much as I possibly can. And that's what I'm doing now." He puts his hands on my shoulders. "Aldera you can win. We have a plan that ends with you on top."

I step away from him. "Don't do that, please don't do that."


"I accepted my fate a long time ago, too, Roxen. I never thought I'd make it this far and I'm still not sure if I want to make it out. You make it sound like everything will be just like it was, but I know that's not true. So don't give me hope." I turn back to him and at the same time hear a cannon fire.

Oh snap what just happened?!? Haha sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger. So what are you thinking? Who was that cannon for? Can Aldera still make it out? Can this plan work? Let me know your predictions in the comments and if you like this chapter please give it a vote. Thanks for reading!

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