14. Shadows

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"Aldera! Wake up!"

I groan and turn my head away from the voice. This is the second night I'd been woken up to panic and if it was anything like the previous one, they don't need me.

"Aldera, there are people coming."

I sit up straight and nearly knock Kestrel and Roxen out of the tree. "Don't just stare at me, tell me what's going on."

"I was in the canyon and I heard voices," Roxen says. "There's at least three of them, probably more."

"It's probably the people from the first districts," I say. "They were traveling in a pack earlier. There's five of them." I look back at Roxen. "Any chance we can hide till they leave?"

He shakes his head. "I didn't actually see but it seemed like they were carrying torches and scouring every nook and crany. I could see the light bouncing off the walls and it didn't seem like they were moving very quickly."

Kestrel glances at the canyon. "If we're going to fight them we need a plan now."

"Okay, out of the tree." We climb down and grab our various weapons. "We should also have some supplies on us just in case we have to make a run for it." Once we're all loaded we move closer to the entrance.

"Okay, I'll distract them. You guys hide on either side in the shadows then come from behind. Unless anyone has a better plan?" Oh please have a better plan that doesn't involve me being the bait.

They shake their heads.

"Alright," I tried to sound more positive than I feel. "Everybody into position."

Kestrel surprises me with a hug. "Just in case, I want you to know you've been a great ally."

"You too." He shakes Roxen's hand and moves to one side of the wall.

Roxen nods at me and somehow it conveys more than Kestrel's words. I nod back. They're both quickly hidden in shadows. I stand in front of the entrance, as far away as I can without being in the water. I hold my axe out in front of me and stare ahead.

Waiting is agony, for all I know I'm waiting for my death. I don't dare move, in fear they'll show up the moment I do. I feel a bead of sweat slide down my spine.

I hear a voice then a person rounds the corner. Then another and another and two more after that. They walk a short distance before one of them looks ahead. Looks at my head. He taps the person next to him and soon the whole group is staring. They start to walk towards me, slowly.

I try to put on an air of confidence. It's taking them ages to get here. "What, are you going to make a career out of it?" I call. As they get closer I see it's Galahad and Laurel from one, Martial from two, the girl from two, and Delphi from four.

I can faintly see Galahad smirking. "If it's upsetting you do let us know."

They're at the edge of the walls now. I spin my axe lazily, making sure their full attention is on me. "Not at all." They're getting so close now. "It just gives me more time to ponder each of your deaths."

"You're going to kill all of us?" Delphi asks.

"Kill you, murder you, cause you to go insane and kill yourself, it doesn't matter really." They come to a stop ten feet in front of me. Roxen and Kestrel are slowly creeping closer.

"I doubt that," the girl from two says. She flicks her hair over her shoulder and catches sight of Roxen as she does. "Tra-" Roxen throws his knife and it lands in her throat. She drops to the ground as a cannon fires.

Kestrel, Roxen, and I charge at the four remaining tributes. I slam my axe into Laurel's head right as Galahad and Martial take on Kestrel. Laurel and him hit the ground at the same time. Roxen avoids Delphi's strikes then pushes her into Martial and they fall over. I throw a knife in their direction hoping it will at least injure them.

I make eye-contact with Roxen. The message in both our eyes is clear. Run. I extend my axe and trip Galahad with it. I see blood coming out his leg as I move. Roxen and I run past Kestrel, his body still.

"He's dead, Aldera." Roxen pulls me along before I can stop. A tear leaks out of me as we sprint through the canyons, making random turns as we go. I wipe it away and focus on the task at hand. We dart through the maze for ten minutes before Roxen gestures to slow down. We pause at a corner and listen for pursuit. Nothing.

Neither of us say anything while we catch our breath. I run my hands over my face. I've seen six people die since these games started and two of them were killed by me. I'm about to sink to the ground but I feel a hand on my arm.

"We can't stay here," Roxen says. His hand remains on my arm as we stare at each other. A sob escapes from me. Soon the tears can't be stopped.

"I can't do this," I mutter. "I can't keep seeing people die and even expecting them to die. I don't want this. Do you hear me President Dane?" I look up at the sky. "I never asked for this! None of us asked for this!" I take a few deep breaths. "And yet you don't care," I say more quietly.

"You're probably sitting with your fat bottom on a plush couch right now, with a servant waiting for your every command. You're probably eating a pastry, that could never be afforded in eleven by anyone, laughing. Laughing at us as we await our pitiful deaths, laughing at the districts that cower in fear, laughing at the remnants of District 13, the district that you destroyed." I pause. "The whole country sits in your shadow, the possibilities you have for good are endless. But so are the possibilities for evil. And you're going to make sure you explore each and every one." I look down at the ground. "It's pathetic."

I start walking and hear Roxen's footsteps behind me. I walk till the sun rises in the sky, till my feet begin to tingle, and I don't stop until Roxen blocks my way. I run right into him.

"Aldera." I lean my head against his chest and he wraps his arms around me.

"Tell me it will be okay."

"I can't tell you that." We stand there for a minute. Then Roxen picks me up and drapes me over his shoulder. I don't complain. He walks a few minutes and then climbs up the canyon wall.

When we're inside the cave he puts me down against the wall and sets up camp. I thank him when he's done.

He shrugs. "That's what friends are for. When one can't carry on the other must, it's how they survive." 


Hi everyone! Wow two updates in a row, I'm on a roll. So a lot happened in this chapter, what did you think? I'm not even sure what I should ask about because of all the things. Are Roxen and Aldera safe? Who do you think will make it to the end? What did you think of the fight? Let me know your thoughts in the comments and if you liked this chapter please give it a vote! Thanks for reading!

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