7. Strong

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The man interviewing us is named Tiberius Flickerman. Apparently, purple is his trademark color; his clothes, hair, and even his skin have a purple tint, but his teeth are perfectly white. The interviews go in order of district so we have to wait for nearly everyone. None of the interviews really stand out to me. One boy mentions he fought in the war, a girl talks about how she can spear fish and hold her breath for several minutes, another boy says he holds the record for the longest bull ride in his district. I'm not sure how those things will help.

Soon it's my turn.

"Good luck," Roxen whispers as I climb the steps to the stage.

"You too." My stomach churns when I see the crowd, there's hundreds probably thousands of people cheering and hollering. I walk over to where two seats are positioned on the stage.

Tiberius takes my hand and helps me sit. "I love your dress, I see your keeping with the plant theme."

I smile, yes something I can talk about. "Yeah, my stylist, Inala, is a genius."

"Yes she is. So, Aldera, you volunteered correct?" I nod. "And who was it you volunteered for?"

"Vixen, she's my best friend. I knew this would be a better fate for me than her."

"Wow, absolutely inspiring. I wish I was as courageous as you."

"I don't feel very courageous, I feel like I'm going to wet myself." The audience laughs.

"Uh oh, don't ruin your dress." They laugh again. When they quiet down Tiberius asks, "So what are some of your strengths that could help you in the arena.

"Well, I can identify what plants are edible."

"That's always useful."

"I know how to use a lot of farming tools, although I don't think planting a garden will help me." The audience laughs again and I'm starting to think this isn't so bad.

"No it won't," Tiberius chuckles. "We're just about out of time, but answer one last question for me. This is the first ever Hunger Games so everyone is going in blind, but do you think, honestly, that you have a chance at winning?"

I swallow. "I... I have to have hope. If I don't have hope then I have nothing."

He nods somberly. Grabbing my hand and standing he yells. "Aldera Clearwater, from District Eleven!"

I bow and then walk off the best I can in my heels. I'm led to a room where Rye, Tullis, and our stylists watch the screens. "Good job, have a seat while we watch Roxen."

Tiberius is introducing Roxen. They joke around about Capitol food and Roxen's lack of hair, then Tiberius asks him about his family. Roxen talks about his sister and I see a tear slip from his eye, so quick it would've been easy to miss. Roxen quickly moves on, describing his many cousins, aunts, and uncles, and how their family reunions get crazy. Soon he's telling a story that has the audience clutching their stomach from laughing. I would be laughing too if I didn't know he was doing this as a distraction.

His interview ends and there's many good jobs as he walks in, but he and I exchange a look and I know what he's really thinking.

"Alright back to our floor. Tomorrow you have the individual sessions with the gamemakers. You'll need your rest to impress them." Rye leads us back to the room.

We eat dinner with Rye and Tullis the only ones talking. Rye notices and she and Tullis leave quickly.

I take a deep breath. "I miss mine too."

"At least you could go home to yours, my family all died with my sister."

I place my hand on top of his. "You can bring them back. Maybe this will wake them up, maybe this will make them realize that they still have you."

He pushes his plate away. "I'm not entirely sure they do still have me."

"You can't give up." I stand. "You have to fight for this. You're strong, Roxen. Easily stronger than the other tributes. You can do this. And if you don't try..." I look away. "You'll never know what could've been." I go to my room before he can say anything.

Tears are streaming down my face before I make it there. I run and collapse unto my bed. I hear a door open, but ignore it. Strong arms wrap around me as Talon pulls me to him. I sob into him and he doesn't say anything because he can't, not while he's holding me.

We lay back against the headboard and I cry. I cry and I cry because sometimes that's the only thing you can do. I let the tears fall and with them all my fears and doubts and weaknesses. This will make me stronger. This will not break me. I will not die with no hope.

Hi guys! So what do you think? Does Aldera have a chance at winning? Will she become stronger or weaker in the games? Let me know your predictions in the comments and please vote if you liked this chapter!

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