19. Happiness Is Not For You

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"Congratulations Aldera Clearwater! Victor of the First Annual Hunger Games!" the voice seems to come from everywhere.

I look at Kestrel lying lifeless at my feet and Roxen a few yards away. I take the axe out of Kestrel chest and put his hands over the hole and close his eyes. Then I move to Roxen and pull the arrow out of him, I do the same for him and I can almost feel the whole nation watching me. Yet I feel entirely alone.

The air is calm and the sky is full of delicate stars. A mockingjay sings and the sound is comforting.

As I stand again a hovercraft appears from the sky. And a ladder drops and I step onto it. A current freezes all my muscles and I'm pulled into the hovercraft. Doctors dressed in white greet me and treat me for wounds I didn't even know I had. I have several cuts and the blast had burned me too.

I enter a state of numbness. The give me water and food, bandage me up, and put a salve on my burns. A glass door separates this part of the hovercraft from the rest and I see my reflection in it. I stare at myself and see only the ghost of a girl that used to live.

Soon the doctors leave me and the hovercraft lands in the roof of the training center. The doors open and Tullis and Rye are there gently grabbing my arms and leading me inside.

"I'm so happy to see you," I hear Tullis say. "Let's get you cleaned up." Rye only gives me a sad smile.

A man approaches us and injects me with a clear liquid. The edges of my vision blurs and I fall into his arms.

I open my eyes to an unfamiliar room. There's nothing but white walls and white floors, white sheets and white pillows. My dark skin stands out sharply against it. I look down at my arms and legs and find that all burns, cuts, and bruises have disappeared. I touch my hair and find that its soft and back to it's natural curls.

I sit up slightly as a hidden door in the wall opens. The two people who walk in are the last people I expected to see. President Dane leads the way followed closely by him. Talon.

I suck in a breath but focus my attention on the President.

"Hello Aldera." He grasps his hands behind his back. His dark suit is crisp and clean and the red rose on his lapel is perfect.

I bow my head. "It's an honor to meet you sir."

"The honor is mine, you are the first victor of the Hunger Games, very special." I don't respond. He steps closer to the bed. "You're probably tired and wondering why I'm here so I'll get right to it." He pauses. "I'm going to meet with you again once you're more recovered, but right now I'm here to congratulate you and tell you what's going to happen. You have until tonight to rest, then your stylist will come get you ready and you'll have an interview with Tiberius Flickerman. I will meet with you again tomorrow morning to discuss other details. Are you following so far?"

"Yes, sir."

He looks at Talon for the first time. "This avox is here for your every request. If you need something just ask him." He turns back to me. "And I assure you that you're perfectly safe in here, it's normal to feel jittery after the experience you've had, but we are monitoring you closely." He looks up at the corner of the room and I see a camera for the first time. "Don't worry, there is always someone keeping an eye on you."

This is set up. A test for me and Talon.

"Thank you. That makes me feel much better." Much worse.

The President nods. "Rest up." He goes back out the door.

Talon stays looking at the floor. I see he is bruised just like in the dream I had. He stands inert, not looking at me. His eyes hold no color, no life, no more spark of silent rebellion.

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