15. Questions

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"Can I ask you something?"

"You just did," Roxen responds. I roll my eyes. "Go ahead."

"When you found us that night you said you had to make sure it was me because... someone hurt you. What did that mean?"

He takes a deep breath and looks toward the entrance to the cave. "The tributes aren't the only thing in this canyon." He pauses and looks back at me. "When I was on my own I was wandering through and I thought I saw my family, including my sister. I didn't think about the fact that she's dead or that my parents were back in 11. I ran towards them and they embraced me. But... it wasn't them. I let go and my sister had turned into this creature with horns and fangs, one of the Capitol's creations. It grabbed me with unbelievable strength. I slipped through it's hands before any of the other's hands could grab me. It gave me this." He lifts his arm and a dark bruise on his arm becomes visible.

"Oh my," I say.

"I ran all the way to the lake where I found you. I had to make sure it was you. I didn't want that to happen again. You're from 11 and so are they so I thought maybe they would use you too."

I nod, but don't say anything. A cannon goes off, neither of us react. We've heard it so much it doesn't phase us anymore. We sit in quiet until the sun starts to set.

Finally Roxen gets up and grabs some food out of the packs. He hands it to me and sits next to me.

"How many are left?" I ask.

He bites his lip. "Seven." Another cannon fires. "Make that six."

The anthem plays a few moments later. It shows the faces of the boy from 9 and the girl from 12. Theta was her name. I remember she was nice to me on the day of the private sessions.

"So," Roxen says, "Galahad, Martial, and Delphi are all in a pack." I nod. "Then there's us, but who's the last one?"


"Who's that?" he asks.

"I only saw her at the cornucopia before that bloodbath of a beginning. She was the first person to kill, killed the boy from 3 right in front of me. I don't know much about her but I think she's dangerous."

"Yeah, no kidding." Roxen takes a deep breath. "We need a plan."

"I don't think we can take on the pack by ourselves, but we might be able to fight her with the both of us."

"Okay so we sleep here tonight. Tomorrow we go out looking for her."

"What if the pack finds us?" I ask.

"We run... and try not to die."

"Great plan."

He shrugs. "It's the best we've got."

"I know."

"I'll take first watch," he offers.

"Okay." He moves near the entrance to the cave and I go in deeper. I curl up, using the backpack as a pillow, and slowly flutter away.

I open my eyes to my mom shaking me. "Aldera, come on. We don't have time for this today."

I sit up and squint at her. "Mom?"

"Yes, I'm your mother." She smiles.

"Where am I?" I look around and see the same bed sheets that have been falling apart for years surrounding me. I hear Trinks and Carter running around in the kitchen.

"You're home. That must have been some dream you were having." She pulls the covers off me and hands me a dress. "Now get ready. We can't be late for your big day."

"Big day?" I ask, but she's already out of the room.

I put the dress on, tame my hair as much as I can, and head into the kitchen. The whole family is eating breakfast. Dad hands me some bread and I barely take a bite before I'm being rushed out the door.

"Are you ready?" Scotch asks me.

"I haven't finished my bread yet," I say shoving more into my mouth. We walk out the door and join a crowd of people flocking towards town square.

"That's not what I meant." He puts an arm around me. "It's a special day for you. How are you feeling?"


"Aldera, stop joking this is serious," he says with a smile.

"Aldera!" Vixen comes rushing up to us. "Hey, are you ready?" She pulls me away from Scotch and I wave goodbye to him.

"Why does everyone keep asking that?" We reach town square and are divided into our age groups.

"What do you mean? You can't have forgotten."

"Forgotten what?" I stare at her.

"Citizens of District 11! Thank you for coming." Tullis stands on the stage wearing an extravagant orange outfit. "We are here to celebrate the very first victor of the Hunger Games!" Her eyes find me in the crowd. "Aldera, please!" She gestures to the stage.

I move through the crowd of children and onto the stage. The walk seems to take years. I reach Tullis and she hugs me.

"This is an exciting day! Congratulations!" Her teeth are as polished as ever when she smiles. "Now we have a special guest! Please welcome President Dane!"

The President walks on the stage, taking his sweet time. He nods at me and then stands in front of the microphone. "Thank you. I am truly honored to be here, and I mean that." He looks at me. "To win the First Hunger Games you have to be someone special. Aldera, you are special. I now present you with this crown to honor your victory."

An avox climbs onto the stage, a pillow with a jeweled crown resting in his hands, he keeps his head down. He walks up to the President and holds out the crown for him.

I step forward automatically. President Dane places the crown on my head and smiles a sickening smile. The avox starts to move but I see his face before he can. Talon.

"Wait," I say.

"Is there a problem?" the President asks.

I glance at Talon, his eyes are wide and he's shaking his head. Upon closer look I can see bruises that have been covered with makeup. I look at the crowd and my family and Tullis and they all smile.

Dane leans out of reach of the microphone and smiles. "I know what you did."

I shake my head.

"Yes," he nods. "And he's going to die." Dane goes back to the mic. "Now it's time for the reaping of the Second Annual Hunger Games!" The crowd cheers and I step back.

"This is wrong," I say. I look at Talon.

He signs a single question. What have you done?

Hi everyone! How was this chapter? If you liked it please give it a vote and leave your thoughts in the comments. This story's coming closer to the end! Tell me your predictions in the comments. Thanks for reading!

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