Igniting The Flame

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Riza woke early and left Roy's house to go home. She didn't want people to be suspicious. Nothing had happened, and It would stay that way. She slid into the front seat, buckled up and backed out of the Fuhrer's driveway, shocked to see there was no security or any magic wards. Riza drove down the silent streets, deep in thought and forgot about the looming threat of Salim's shadows. Little did she know one was following her that moment. Then, everything went dark and she could hear the laughter of a child. It was Salim, he had come for her at last. This only meant Roy was in danger. 

Roy woke that morning smiling like an idiot, despite the painful hangover. He crawled out of bed and turned on the coffee pot in his small kitchen. He noticed Riza had left early, but she had made her bed and left a note on the pillow for him. He pinned the note to his reminders board and sipped his coffee slowly. His head pounded and it was a little too bright. The Fuhrer covered his eyes with one hand and dialed Riza's apartment number with the other. It rang several times before going to voicemail. "Hey it's me, just checking to see if you made it home." He hung up and went back to his coffee. As he uncovered his eyes, he saw a shadowed figure. He gasped and the cup fell from his hands. He snapped his fingers, causing a small flame to appear in his palm. "Who are you and what do you want?" He hissed through his teeth. "Don't move to defeat me or your girlfriend dies." The shadow spoke in a high pitched voice. Roy flinched. He knew that voice. "Pride." He snarled. "Good, we're on the same page." The shadow moved closer, turning the air in the room cold. "If you tell my mother about this, I will kill the woman. If you try to hunt her down, I will kill you." Then the shadow vanished. 

Roy sat stunned in his kitchen, and flicked his wrist to light the fireplace. Pride had left a chill over the house, and Roy didn't want to let the fear get under his skin. He dialed the lieutenant's number again, but there was no response. Roy threw his coat over one arm, snatched up his ignition glove, and dashed out the door, anxious to get to his office incase his second lieutenant had heard anything. 

Roy drove a little recklessly, but he considered his lieutenant's disappearance a good motive. When h reached the Central building, he pulled up by the curb, and barely remembered to take his keys with him as he flung the door open. He stomped through the halls, getting several anxious salutes from his soldiers. "I didn't expect to see you here." Ross was genuinely shocked, as Roy slammed the door open. She handed him a note that had come for him. "Sir?" He waved her away and tore open the letter. "Salim has gone missing, so I reported it like you asked." It was written in a woman's handwriting. "Miss. Bradley." He sank into his chair, the flame in his eyes going out. Ross punched a number on the panel, summoning his second lieutenant. Havoc entered the room less than five minutes later, breathing hard, but still saluted and sat across from the Fuhrer. "Sir?" He asked, taking the note and reading it. His ees widened and Ross came over to read it as well. "He's gone, and he has... Hawkeye." Roy had to think before almost saying my queen. He glared at his chess board. "Well I guess the game isn't over." He moved the queen piece back a few steps and his face hardened. "What's the plan?" Havoc asked, hurt in his voice. Riza was his closest friend next to the new Fuhrer. "We hunt down Pride, and get our soldier back." Roy snarled. "Send for the Elric brothers, the two from Xing and the Armstrong siblings." He commanded Ross, who ran for the phone. Havoc put a hand on Roy's shoulder. "We'll find her sir. You always do." Roy had the feeling that Havoc understood his feelings for Riza, and was grateful that he didn't go telling everyone about it. He nodded in thanks, and readied his men for war. 

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