The Philosopher's stone

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Riza way laying on the floor, her eyes half closed when the Chimera's returned the next day. Or at least she thought it was the next day. The cell she was kept in was dark and cold. "Do you have any information for us today?" One asked. She didn't reply. The other shook is head and turned back the way they had come. "You know, less people will get hurt if you just tell us how to destroy the flame alchemy." He growled. "Are you destroying the alchemy, or the people using it?" She asked coldly, shivering at the thought of Roy being killed. "I  don't know,  I'm not in charge." The half human laughed. She just went back to being silent. 

A few minutes later the other chimera came back with Pride. "Does your mother know where you are?" Riza asked Salim. He shrugged. "I'm sure she's reported my absence to the military. You people really shouldn't have trusted me." He gave her a cold stare. "Now are you going to give us the information we need, or are we going to have to torture you?" He asked, taking a step closer. She stayed silent. Even if she was on the edge of death, Riza wouldn't betray Roy. Salim grew more impatient as Riza remained silent, hiding her tear stained face in her shirt. "Fetch the fuhrer." Salim said, and sent his henchmen off. He walked up to the bars, curling his shadow into the shape of a whip. No one would hear her screams. 


Roy woke from his usual nightmare, blinking at the light he was more than grateful to see. He sat up at his desk, and blinked at the papers that had been put there. "Please sign these." One of his men asked. Roy blinked foggily. "Wha-t-s-ss it for?" He slurred. "It's a treaty with the people of Ishval." He said, getting annoyed. Roy glared and signed the paper, shooing the man out. "Ridiculous." He spat. Someone else knocked on his door then. "what?" He snapped. Ling entered, May right on his heal. He grinned. "Well hey there Fuhrer..." Ling looked mockingly impressed. "I see you got your eyes back!" The two from Xing stopped in front of Roy's big desk. "I see you're till a cocky ass." He retorted, remembering Greed. May rolled her eyes. "Al sent for us, so we came. What is it you need?" She smiled sweetly. He laughed lightly. May had always been his favorite. Ling had gotten too involved. "We need you guys to hunt down Pride. Ed's alchemy doesn't work anymore, and you two had some odd sense of Homunculi." He looked back at Ling, who was eating an apple from the basket on his desk. Roy shook his head at the piggy prince. 

"Okay, we'll hunt down the Homunculus for you." Ling said. "But we want something in return." May spoke with a sweet venom. Roy narrowed his dark eyes. "We want the stone." She said, and stood as tall as she could to look into Roy's eyes. He was dumbfounded. Ling had Wraths stone. Now May wanted Prides? "Deal." He said solidly. He would do anything to help Riza now. If this was what it took, he would let Xing have the stone. And then he'd have his queen back and wouldn't have to worry about Pride. Roy just couldn't stop thinking about poor Mrs. Bradley. Losing her son twice had to hurt more than Roy could imagine. "Good!" Ling said, and skipped out of Roy's office to prepare the man hunt. 


Next chapter something will actually happen, I promise! Thanks for reading! <3

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