Dancing At The Elric Wedding

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The phone on its side table rang shrilly, causing Riza to shoot out of bed. She took up the reciever and spoke tiredly, "Hello?" What could Roy need me for now? She thought to herself. "Hey Miss Hawkeye, it's Winry!" The younger girl sounded happy. "Hey Miss Winry! What can I do for you It's been a while." Riza smiled to herself. She enjoyed the girl's company. "I'm inviting you to my wedding!" Riza's eyes widened. "Seriously? Wow! Congratulations!" The two gushed over the wedding for a good half hour before Riza had to get ready for work. "Pass the message along to the Colonel will you?" Winry asked. Riza agreed and hung up the phone. 

Riza was noticeably happier when she arrived at work  that morning. "What's got you all excited?" Roy asked as Riza handed him his coffee, smiling for the first time all week. "I've been invited to the Elric boy's wedding." She sat and began filling out her reports. "And?" He asked, not looking up. "You're invited too. So we're going together." She looked up suddenly, anxious for his reply. Roy raised an eyebrow, and hid a smile behind a gloved hand. "So... Like a date?" He put his hand down so she could see the smirk on his face. Riza threw a pencil at him. "Don't assault your Fuhrer!" He reprimanded his lieutenant playfully. "Call it what you will. But we're going."


That next weekend Roy and Riza appeared at the wedding, arm in arm and sat on the Bride's side since Winry was the one who invited them. Roy was wearing his military uniform, hat and all. Riza was wearing a dark blue gown, and pinned her hair up in a neat bun. Roy hadn't said it out loud, but his face spoke for him. He had thought Riza looked stunning, even though it was a plane dress. 

When Winry walked down the isle, Lan Fan holding the train of her dress and May tossing flowers, they all stood in respect. Al and Lee stood by Edward's side as the best men. Winry was beautiful in her dress, her hair pinned up as well. Ed's eyes widened at the alter as he took her hand and kissed it. The ceremony was short, but beautiful. 

The reception was small but loud. Lee had brought some music from Xing. May was squealing over Alphonse, and Winry and Ed were laughing loudly. Granny was trying her best to involve everyone in games or dancing. After an hour or so, Roy had drank enough for him and Riza put together. "Let's dance lieutenant!" He grinned goofily and pulled her out of her seat, spilling some wine. Riza gasped but let him pull her along. She had learned not to fight his happy moods. They danced together for the rest of the party, smiling and laughing. Riza felt great for the first time in a long time. 

"Was that a date lieutenant?" Roy asked, staggering behind her to their car. "In your dreams sir." She spoke seriously, but with a smile on her face. "I think it was a date..." Roy leaned against the drivers door, keeping her from getting in to drive his drunken ass home. "Alright, if I say it wa a date, will you le me drive you home?" She asked, reaching for the keys. "But the man always takes the lady home." His eyes gleamed with mischief. "That may be true in some cases, but you're also drunk sir." She forced his hand open, taking the keys and kissed him on the cheek. Roy's mouth fell open and he let Riza drive him home. Hawkeye drove slowly, both to be safe, and to enjoy her time with her Fuhrer. When she got to his house, she parked his car and got out. Roy opened his door and walked around to speak to her easier. "How about ou stay here? It's too late for you to be driving." Riza looked confused. "I have a guest room..." He hid behind his bangs, embarassed. "Sure." She said, to keep him from embarassing himself. 

When Riza was settled in the room next to Roy's, she couldn't keep her mind off of him. She kept thinking of the touch of his hand while they danced, the care free smile he had when he was joking with her... I won't fall in love. Riza scolded herself, and fell asleep.

Roy couldn't sleep that night despite the drunken buzz he was feeling. He was glad Riza had forced him to attend the wedding. The Flame Alchemist's mind traveled to work momentarily, regretting the Fullmetal Alchemist's lack of alchemy now. Then it returned to his first lieutenant. There's no room for love in military anymore. He thought to himself. Then he fell into a deep sleep. 

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