Killing Your Seven Sins

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Roy ran faster than he thought was possible. When it came to Riza, there were no limits on what he was able to do. He followed Black Hayate down the dark tunnels until their group stumbled upon her, laying in a darkened corner, not moving, with Pride standing over her. "You were foolish to come after her Mustang. Pride mused, stepping over Riza like she was just a mound of dirt. Roy's eyes smoldered and the flame in his palm arched for the young boy's face. He just blocked it with a shadow. "She didn't tell you here little secrete did she? The one that got her taken in the first place?" Roy raised an eyebrow. "She doesn't have the tattoo anymore, I saw to that." Pride laughed. "No... Her ability?" Scar scoffed. "She wouldn't dare." Pride grinned. "See Fuhrer? The Ishvalan saw it before you... How sad." Roy gasped. "Lieutenant?" He tried to move to her, but Pride attacked. "You've killed my men.... Now I think I'll kill some of yours." He instantly lunged for the Elric brothers. Ling threw himself in front of Ed, and Winry shouted at them both to duck. She aimed the gun, and shot Pride in the head. "Nice shot!" Ed praised her, but it wasn't enough. He just got right back up. This time he went after Ling. Ling and May held hands, and together harnessed the power of the stone. They sent waves of powerful earth alchemy at him, knocking him down and banging him up. Roy burned him once he was down. Ed snatched Winry and ducked behind the visitors from Xing. Then, he grabbed May's hand, and assisted them in their earth power. Every time they knocked Pride down, Roy sent massive waves of fire at Pride. 

Riza stirred in the corner, finally getting feeling back in her body. She saw the alchemists working together, and smiled faintly. They were her family, and they had come to save her. The least she could do was tell the truth. She pulled herself to her knees, and when they knocked him down again, Riza sent a wave of fire just as powerful as Roys at the homunculus. Roy sank to his knees, because he knew it was over. Pride may be able to fend off one fire attack, but not two. He began to cry silently. Riza crawled to him, as the others panned out, searching the cave. "How could you?" He asked, inching away from her. "Roy. I..." He shook his head, jerking back when she tried to touch his arm. "Let me help you, please!" Her face was covered in blood. "No. Let me help you." He pushed her hands away, and pressed a cloth to her wounds. "I'm sorry." She whispered, and let him take care of her. When he was finished, he stood and went to talk to the others, leaving Riza with Winry. The younger girl instantly held the older one, letting her cry on her shoulder. 

"And there goes the last of our seven deadly sins!" Edward cheered, tossing the stone to May. Only Ed knew about Roy's agreement with the young girl. "Thank you all for helping. Armstrongs, you're promoted." The siblings saluted, and smiled at each other.  "Ling, May... I'm forever in your debt." He bowed slightly to the two from Xing. "No sir. You repaid us. We were glad to help, and you held your end of the bargain." Ling bowed back. "Besides, we're friends. We wouldn't let you do anything else. This only strengthened the bonds between our countries!" May smiled brightly up at him. "Elrics, are you sure you don't want your jobs back?" Mustang asked, turning to the two boys. Ed shook his head. "We still have too much to learn, but thank you." Al stepped forward. "Actually... I think I'll accept that offer." Edward turned on his brother. Alphonse held his hand up for silence. "I can research better under the pay of the military. I'm taking the job." Ed nodded, and remained silent. "Now, let's go home." Roy spoke proudly, and they departed for Central at once. 


Once back home, Roy went straight to the office to inform Havoc and Ross. He paid for the travelers long journeys home, and made sure the Armstrong siblings were promoted. Lastly, he turned to Scar, whom he had asked to wait for his return. "You have been a great help." Roy confessed, trying to forget about their past fude. "How can I repay you?" Scar nodded. "I'm repaying you, there's nothing you need to give me." Roy put his chin on his hand. "Maybe... You would like to work with me on the rebuilding of Ishval? I'd like your opinions." Scar actually looked surprised. "Thank you." He said, and departed under Roy's instructions of where he could live in Central, and gave him his direct number incase he was in need of assistance. The only thing Roy had left to do, was to go see Riza, and ask her why she had kept such a secrete from him. 

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