His Hawk's Eyes

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Roy mustang placed his final chess piece, calling checkmate. "I am now Fuhrer." He mused to his lieutenant, Riza Hawkeye. She smiled and saluted to her new Fuhrer, who's bangs hung in his eyes, obscuring his view of the lovely blond. She stood from her comfy chair across from him, and turned to leave. "Now that I'm rich, maybe you'll let me take you out for that dinner?" He smirked, flipping a coin and catching it. She laughed happily. "We will see." She opened the door, glancing back once before exiting the office.

Roy grinned to himself, and picked up the queen piece to his chess board. "My beautiful soon to be queen..." He looked out the window. Even though he was now king, the threat wasn't gone. There were many people in the military that didn't like him, and several enemies of the FullMetal Alchemist, who counted Mustang responsible for the success of the little alchemist. There was still so much hate in Amestris, even after the death of Fuhrer Bradley and "Father", the homunculus they had taken down last spring. Mustang rubbed at his tired eyes and dozed at his desk for a while. He was lacking some much needed sleep.

In his dream, he was standing in the dark, surrounded by noises of torture and death. He felt the ground shaking beneath him, and could not find his way away from the dark. Everywhere he stumbled was dark and full of negative energy. Then he heard a voice. "Here Mustang. Colonel, here, twelve o'clock..." He shot flames from his fingers at the invisible target, then woke with a start. It was a woman calling him, guiding him. He gasped, able to see the light once more, and lashed out with one arm. He grasped the hand that was there, and when he looked with his new eyes, it was Riza. "It's okay Colonel." She reassured him. "It's Fuhrer now..." He panted, trying to smile at her, and didn't let go. The flame alchemist was haunted by nightmares of darkness. It was thanks to Dr. Marcoh that he could see once again, but he still dreamed of the darkness Roy could hide his troubles from his people, he could shield his fear from his soldiers, but he could keep nothing from his hawk's eyes.

Riza held tight to the Fuhrer's hand, trying to look unafraid for him, but it was difficult. They had been through so much together, so much that she could read his face, even when others couldn't. Roy never talked about himself. When he had gone blind, he had been more concerned for her wellbeing than his own. She was infuriated that he never took a second to care for himself. She supposed that this would be her job as the first lieutenant of the Fuhrer. It was Riza's job to watch after him during the Ishvalan war, during the war against the homunculi, and she took this job more seriously than any other. "I'm right here sir." She whispered, squeezing his hand.

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