The beginning

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Jimin POV

Everything changed after that day. Since the day I got to know - by the worst way possible - that I've been all his time just being used by the guy I cared about the most and maybe even felt true love towards, it passed a week. I never went to that apartment again... I don't have reason for that anymore anyway... And currently I'm living...

"Good morning. I'm back." I got inside calmly, greeting them and walking towards them.

...Where I used to work every evening...

"Good morning, Jimin." My boss's wife said cheerfully, while the boss just kept staring at me with a severe look, without saying anything.

"Do you want to have a snack?" She asked and, before I could even seat next to them, the other next to her stood up and sat in the opposite side of the room, but still without stopping glaring at me intensively. I sighed after watching all those cold actions that he started doing every time I'm near him. That has been happening a lot lately...

"Ah, don't worry, he's only acting like that because he doesn't like the decisions you have been doing lately and thinks you are changing to those teenagers that only care about their appearance, because of your recent hair color change." She started saying after finishing eating and drinking.

"But, deep inside, he's actually really worried about you and cares about you. He's just too proud and stubborn to admit and show it, ending up by acting all sulky just like right now. So, please, don't get depressed over that." She told me with a sweet smile and I nodded back, still glancing quickly several times at him.

I ate quickly the first thing I found in front of me and stood up, walking next to the entrance door, to leave. "I'm leaving again, I will be back soon. Thanks for everything once again." I said goodbye and bowed respectively to both. But before I could even step a foot outside, my boss spoke, what was actually a surprise, as he has been ignoring me totally lately...

"Are you going to try to get a job again?" He asked still with his old serious face. "Yeah, why...?" I answered back hesitantly, as I didn't know what to expect from him. "Do you seriously think that a guy that didn't even finish his studies like you can actually get a job?" He said harshly, hurting my pride and my emotions. "Sweetheart!" The woman yelled at his husband.

"Y-Yeah! Y-you a-are going to see! J-Just wait!" I shouted out loud and left the building quickly, ignoring the cold stares, from my boss, and the scolding for touching such delicated subject, from the woman that takes care of me so well, to his husband.

Dammit! This is all your fault, V! You destroyed my future! I left school because of you and I can't even return to Busan now! This is all because of you! But you're going to pay it, I promise! And I already know how!

Taehyung POV

"Achoo!" I suddenly sneezed. "Hey, are you starting to get sick?" My manager asked, while she picked our drinks. "No, it's probably just someone talking about me. What could we expect from someone so popular like me anyway?" I started getting all cocky and full of myself intentionally, just to "remind" her of my obvious popularity.

"Probably it's just that guy, Jimin, talking bad things about you." She said frankly and walked towards me. "Hum~? Why did you even mention that guy's name? Are you starting to get interested in him~?" I asked her playfully and she shook her head.

"It's not like that, I couldn't care less about him. But, on the other hand, I think you should be worried about him." She said, after sitting next to me. "Really~? Why?" I asked after picking my drink for her hand and opening the can.

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