New years Eve

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It was New Years Eve and everyone had been dancing, laughing and drinking in front of the Beast Castle.
Everyone was so happy and pumped up except for Evie. Evie sat down on the table alone, Jay saw her upset so he went and comfort her.

"Hey guys 30 more seconds till it's New Years!!!! 2016 is coming"!!! Ben yelled to everyone

"Count down in five, four,three ,two... One HAPPY NEW YEARS"!!! Everyone said

"Hey Evie why are you here left alone, Common lets Dance"! Jay said

"No I'm fine"! Evie said sadly

"Why ya upset, it's New Years"! Jay said all pumped up

"I had a fight with Doug again".

"Well why won't you forget about your dwarf guy and have some fun"!

"What are you doing Jay"?

"Having some fun"!

Evie giggles "fine i'll dance but just for a bit, I'm still upset".

The two of them Dance just for a bit then went back to sit, Jay had also gotten them some drinks

"It's better having company this evening and Jay is such a great best friend"! Evie thought

Jay went to get some drinks and then came back to their table, Jay handed a glass to Evie.

"Thanks" Evie said

"No problem" Jay said

"This evening is going great Jay is looking kinda cute today and he's really funny as always". Evie thought

Jay had brought up Doug again so I had to tell him what's wrong. I said that Doug is always jealous of me hanging out with boys and other people that much.I really don't like that! I said .I know what I said to Jay but some of it is part lie, he knows me well so he can see if I'm lying or not. I just don't want him to know about the truth well at least not now.

Evie was done with her drink and Jay asks if she wants a second one. Soon Evie was done with her second one and Jay and Evie had another one and another one and kept on going. Soon they became to flirt, they were more closer to each other.

Evie's Pov
I felt Jay wrap his arm around my waist and made me lean on him more. we stood up and I put my arms around his neck but before I did I felt his muscular arms. "wow you must work out a lot"? I ask "yeah, but I work out not only for tourney but for pretty girls just like you". he said. Soon he came even closer to me and his lips had touch mine. I kissed him back. he let go of me and whispers to me to come and follow him to his room/Dorm. I grabbed his hands and Jay and I secretly sneaked out and ran to his Dorm. He locked the door behind me. he pushed me against the door, he pushed his body closer to mine. He grabbed my hands and made them pinning them up. He kissed me and held on to my waist which made me kiss him back and put my hands around his neck. soon he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me to his bed while he was kissing me passionately. he layers me on his bed and started sucking and kissing my neck. I passionately kiss him back. Hours had past and we still kept going, At this moment we felt strong feelings that emerged slowly between us. I was on top of him and the kiss was getting intense and like it was a real make out session. Now both of our hands have explored each others bodies. he took of my dress and just leaving me with my bra and underwear. I liked how it was going. it was getting more intense while our bodies were getting warmer and warmer. He whispers my name and said that I'm more than just a friend I'm his dream come true. I wanted more so I grabbed him and kiss him, his hair was on my face and I touched his checks with out realizing what actually really happened, we kept on going on and on, harder and harder and hours and hour had past by and that's all that happened

Hey guys hope you like the first chapter and stay tuned for the rest, if you guys have any suggestions/ideas for the next chapter plz let me know
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-Eve (Authors Note) 😊

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