Take Her From You

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Evie went out of the dorms and found her self walking around. She ended up standing where she first met Doug. Then suddenly Doug appeared in the very spot he laid eyes on Evie, he wore the same band outfit.

"Uh hi..." Doug said

Evie smiled "hey"

"I'm glad I got to see you here!" Said Doug

"Ha, yeah what a coincidence." Evie said
"Great, you're exactly what I need right now" Evie said quietly

"I'm sorry what?" Doug said

"Oh nothing." Evie said

" Are you okay? Is everything okay? Do you want to tell me anything? Asked Doug worried as he hugged Evie

"Umm no nothing at all, i'm okay, everything's okay.... so what are you doing here?" Evie said

"Well I was thinking to maybe recreate the first time we met." Doug said

Evie stood there quietly

"Evie I'm truly sorry for how I was acting for the past couple of weeks, I think I was being over protective, my uncles were quite rubbing off on me and this school year has been really chaotic, I never mean to have these arguments, I never intended to hurt you. I believe were bound to be together since the day I saw you, I've admired you ever since. If you'd let me make it up to you, i'll promise it will never happen again" Doug said

Evie smiled "you promise?"

"Yes, please, tomorrow we'll go anywhere you'd like. I wasn't there for you on New Years Eve and I'll make it up to you, Evie I love you."

Evie's pov
"Aww that was sweet, now I feel terrible, how can I ever tell him, I can't break his heart. I agreed to go with him tomorrow, I don't know how long I can keep this secret, Doug is my boyfriend, I basically cheated on him, he'll never forgive me. All I can do know is try to make it up to him tomorrow even if he doesn't know it.

The next day Evie and Doug had a great time at their date. Both laughed and went down the memory lane to how the two became an item. Innocent Doug and Guilty Evie, secrets will always come out and The truth hurts.

Meanwhile Chad was in the same area where Evie and Doug's Date took place. He hid behind the bushes to see if it was really true, Doug and Evie were back to normal. No more arguments no more fights. Chad went out of the bushes and headed back, he looked at his phone and back at Doug and Evie from a distance. Chad played a video and then paused it. "Poor Doug... wait till you see this, what could possibly happen...." Chad said as he grinned and continued walking.

- 5 days later -
Evie and Doug have been seen together all over campus, it seemed like things were back to where they were, Ben and Mal, Carlos and Jane, Jay and Audrey and Evie and Doug. It was as if nothing ever happened. Though feelings may have changed.

Each time Evie and Doug walk by Jay and Audrey, Jay gets a feeling he can't quite explain. He gets the feeling of wanting to take something that isn't his, whenever Evie was around Doug he feels the need to take her from him, wanting to have that one thing but not being able to get it. If it was just an ordinary object Jay could have easily stole but Evie isn't just a object. And so Jay is left with what he has. Jay wants Evie but he's stuck with Audrey, he can't BELIVE what happens between the two of them!

Later that day Doug walked out Evie from Auradon Prep and went there separate ways, Evie was having a girls night out and Doug was heading to Band Practice.

Just when Doug turned the corner Chad pulled him aside.

" Ch-Chad What are you doing here? Wh-Why did you pull me to the corner?" Asked Doug

"SHH, you talking is making me feel less charming"

"Then wh-"

"Here take this and press play" said chad giving Doug his phone and grinned

"What wh-"

"Just press play!" Chad demanded

Doug played the video and saw Evie and Jay making out. Doug instantly paused the video and couldn't believe it.

"What no! she would nev-"

"There's more... play it and turn up the volume" said Chad

Doug did what he was told and he found out everything about what happened at New Years Eve and can't forgive Evie for that.

Chad had exposed Evie once again, Chad wanted to get Evie and Jay back. Chad had bigger plans, and so lonely Chad won't be so lonely once everyone in Auradon finds out the truth.

Evie kept the secret for over a week, she couldnt take it any longer, the secret has been haunting her, she wants to tell the Doug the truth but she just can't. "At the right time" Evie says to herself

Jay saw Evie with Doug and can't help that Doug was being rude to Evie then suddenly Doug had a change of heart and all is forgiven. Jay thought how can Evie posibly go back to him.

Doug doesn't want anyone in Evie's life including Jay and Carlos, but he had to tell Evie what he heard/ saw. he planed to tell her the next day.

Hey guys i'm truly sorry about this chapter, i lost everything i wrote and this is all i can remember.
Hey guys update i tried recreating this chapter, please let me know what you guys think, once again I'm sorry

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