The Date

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Last week Jay and Evie told their friends that they were dating. Mal and Carlos were so happy for them.
Soon everyone in Auradon Prep heard about Jay and Evie's relationship.

"Hey Evie I'm going out with Ben, i'll see you later". Mal said

"Ok then, have fun". Evie said in her bed

When Mal left she went back to sleep but she was wakened from Jay

"Hey Eves can I come in"? Jay ask popping his head in the room.

"Umm sure". Evie said

Jay walked in and closed the door behind him

"How's my beautiful Princess"! Jay said kissing her on the forehead

"I feel great... well I think I am, I just have a little headache". Evie said

"Aww my poor Princess, you should get some rest we have a long day ahead of us".

Evie yawns "What do you mean Jay". Evie ask as she puts her blanket over her self

"It's a secret"! Jay smiled

(Time Lapsed)
An hour has passed and Evie was awake, Jay was already dressed up nicely but he didn't know how to fix his tie.

Evie Yawns and said hi to Jay

"Are ya felling better Princess"?

"Better than ever"! Evie said

"Get ready we have allot of things to do"!

"Ok just give me 30 minutes".Evie said with excitement

-An half an hour later-

(Evie wears the outfit on the top)
Evie came out of the washroom with a blue lacy dress, black high heels, A diamond tiara and had red cherry lip gloss on. Evie looked gorgeous and Jay loved it.

"Wow you look outstanding'! Jay said with his jaw open

Evie giggles "well you sir look amazing". Evie said as she walked up to and fixed up Jay's collar and tie.

"So Jay's what's the special occasion?"

"Today we're having our first Date ". Jay said

"That sounds perfect"! Evie exclaimed

Jay pulled Evie closer to him and gently placed his lips on Evie's.

He leaned out but Evie pulled him in and kissed him.

"Mmm... You know what will be better"! Jay said while Evie kept kissing him

"What" Evie asked as she continues kissing him

"If we go now. we could go to different places and I could give you a lil something". Jay said

Evie stoped kissing Jay and smiled

"You have a surprise for me"!

"That's right my princess". Jay smiled

"Yay" Evie rushed out the door,she looked back and saw Jay still standing there.

"Umm, where are we going?" Evie said

Jay chuckled as he walks towards Evie. He shut the door and held Evies hand.

(Time Lapsed)
Jay and Evie had a picnic that was amazing, soon after they ate Jay and Evie had dessert.

"what do we have for dessert"? Evie ask

"Your favourite my Princess, chocolate cupcakes with blueberry icing and a red sprinkles on top".

"Jay... this is amazing"!

Jay and Evie kissed

Soon Evie and Jay grabbed a cupcake and Jay took some icing and put it on Evie's face

"Jay..."! Evie squealed


"Oh it's on"! Evie said as she picked up two cupcakes and smashed it on to Jay's face

The two had lots of fun until Evie paused and felt a little dizzy

"Are you okay my princess"?

"Ya I'm fine". Evie said and went to get a cloth in the basket and wiped her face

"Evie I almost forgot to give you this".

"A charm bracelet and a necklace that carves our names"!

"I hope you like it"! Jay said

"Do I like it? No...

Jay paused and had a hurt look on his face.

"I love it Jay!" Evie said and kissed him. Jay was so happy that he love her gift.


Jay brought Evie to this Fancy restaurant.

"Jay this is amazing its so beautiful here"!

"Of course I would do anything for my Princess".

"Thanks Jay, your the best"!

Soon later they were done eating at the the restaurant and Jay dragged Evie outside, he put his jacket around her shoulders and sat on the grass

"Jay what is it"? Evie asks

"Look at the stars we don't usually see them back in the Isle".

Evie looked up and saw shimmering stars glowing brightly in the sky

"Jay this is beautiful".

Jay chuckled

"What was that for"? Evie said

"Nothing it's just you are so beautiful".

"Aww thanks". Evie said

"Thank you,  this is the best Date ever"! Evie said

"Look its a shooting star, in class they said if you see a shooting star you make a wish". Evie said

"Well I wish that we will not be apart and I wish that nothing could stop us". Jay said

Evie giggles "my turn, I wish that whatever happens I hope that jay is the right guy for me and we could be together always"!

Evie leans on Jay's shoulder and closed her eyes, she was fast asleep.

"My princess is asleep". Jay said and smile

Jay carried Evie and put her in the limo once they arrived at the dorms Jay carried her all the way to the girls dorm

"Good night my Princess"! Jay said

"Jay-I love y...". Evie said and fell asleep again

Jay chuckled "I love ya too Princess"!

Sorry for not updating for along time, any ways I hope you guys liked it stay tuned for the rest!! Plz plz read my stories! I would be so happy if u do!! Love ya guys.

-Eve💙(Authors Note)

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